3 week Tanzania Safari/Kilimanjaro advice...

Hi there,

Hi Steven

First of all I would like to reccomend bringing a tent. In a lot of aireas it is possible to camp for very cheep. thre are many hostles and camp sites with cabins and semi permanant tents. I was just in africa on a tour and we camped the whole time.

I can not give you a lot of help as far as booking things once you get to africa as I did a tour but I can say that the company I went with ( G adventures ) was fantastic. They delt with all the transportation, the accomidation and 90% of your meals.

I would have to recomend Nairobi as a starting point over Dar Es Salaam. Dar is a large dirty and extremely unsafe city. Of the 9 weeks I was in Africa Dar was the only place I did not feel safe. I would avoide it except to go to the ferry to Zanzibar.

For your internal travel you have to take into consideration that the roads in Tanzinia are bad. not bad like in south America but bad like you have never seen before. In some places it will take you 6 hours to go 100K. keep this in mind as it will probably take you longer then you expect to go by road. This is part of the africa experence and I would recomend driving but be prepared for the time it will take. I believe there are public busses as we did see a lot while driving but I cant help you with how to catch them or figure out the schedule.

For things to see. The Serengeti is the obvious place. but if you time things right you can go to the Masi mara for the wildabeast migration. I missed it but was told by a lot of the tour and safari guides I met that it is worth seeing. If you dive then Zanzebar is fantastic. the water there was very clear and some of the best dives I have been on.

hope this helps. let me know if you have more questions.


3 week Tanzania Safari/Kilimanjaro advice...

3 week Tanzania Safari/Kilimanjaro advice...

3 week Tanzania Safari/Kilimanjaro advice...

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