Hello all,
You can get flights from the UK to Cancun at hugely varying prices, so shop around.
A return flight is always a lot cheaper than two single flights.
When I was there a few years ago, I found a number of agencies in Cancun who did return flights to Cuba.
This is a Cuba visa site. You'll need accommodation in Havana so why not see what they charge for 3 nights there?
Then maybe a coastal destination somewhere?
Thank you for taking the time to give some good advice
I think waiting to get to Mexico to book the flights to Havana may be a risky strategy bearing in mind it's Havana that's important and Mexico is secondary also in order to get the Cuba visa I think you have to have a clear itenary with dates flights etc well in advance.
Must admit starting to think it may just be easier to go to Havana this time and Mexico another one, had initially thought them so close could do both - but the restrictions are tricky!
Any more contriubtions most welcome!

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