Hi There!
hi emily.
Oz intro have a really good deal with insurance, have a look on there website... i arrive in brisbabe on the 2nd would be great too meet up with other backpackers ...
Paul x
I'm really confused about travel insurance too! Columbus direct looks quite good but I don't want to spend loads of money if its not worth it! I guess the most important thing to check is that whatever you get it covers you so check all the t&cs really carefully.
Thanks Paul I will have a look tonight. Whereabouts you going to be staying in Brisbane? Yeah it would be great to meet other backpackers, I'm heading over with a girl I met on another travel site but I'm still sooo nervous but excited at the same time!
@Frantabulous..Yeah me too, I haven't had a look at Columbus yet, but at the mo im swaying more towards 24/7 or Holiday Safe but yep i will definately read the t&c's haha! x
hi emily
im staying in north brisbane with a friend who lives out there, she is gonna give me a bit of guidence when i arrive, but because i wont be staying in a hostel im really keen to make friends with ppl before i arrive lol....
are you on facebook?? xxx

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