9 Countries in 3/4 months - Too Ambitious?

Hi Guys - Was hoping to seek some general advice/wisdom from those that are knowledgeable of this area or have travelled Central & South America before...

Hey Frankie,

1.) No one can answer the question how long to stay in each place, that's waaaaay too subjective. In any case it's unimportant - simply decide as you go. Some places will blow you away and you'll want to stay longer, other places will bore you and you'll move on.

2.) 6,000 GBP is about $9,500 CAD (sorry, I have to convert to get an idea of how much money that is) so for 3 months that's still $100+ CAD per day. That's more than enough to travel very comfortably, usually having a private room (instead of sharing a dorm), eating very well and seeing all the sights.

3.) I`m a slow traveller so this is just me... but I wouldn't bother going all the way to Chile/Argentina/Brazil this time. I'd explore the northern end of South America and even perhaps more in Central America too. You're also missing the best country in South America right now: Colombia. You could easily spend a month there alone.

4.) Lastly, if your separately budgeted flights include going to the southern end then I`d use that money instead to include Cuba and a sail boat from Panama to Colombia via the San Blas Islands. Again, that's just me.

Have fun.


There has been a lot of trouble between drug cartels in Mexico with bodies beheaded or hanging from flyovers and such. I have travelled extensively there in 3 trips years ago but would not do it nowadays.

Guatemala is quite primitive and roads bad away from Guatemala City. Not a bad country though. Obviously, make sure you see Tikal. I stayed overnight in nearby Flores which I liked.

I don't think there's much in Costa Rica but loads of Americans flood there every year so obviously there is.

Panama is quite nice but not a lot to see there.

Not a lot in Brazil or Argentina unless you like countryside and a dozen beaches and a statue in Rio. Maybe pop into Uruguay on the way?

From Buenos Aries, take a flight to Santiago (Chile) as it's the cheapest way to fly east to west. Not really a lot in Chile.

Peru has a lot to see. Make sure you see Lima as many miss it. A number of short trips available from Cusco (lots of travel agents). Also Nazca, Lake Titicata, etc.

Maybe north to Ecuador for Galapagos? Book the island trip early as only a certain number of people are allowed there at any time. Not cheap.

9 Countries in 3/4 months - Too Ambitious?

9 Countries in 3/4 months - Too Ambitious?

9 Countries in 3/4 months - Too Ambitious?

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