Australia 2012

nell89 has indicated that this thread is about Cairns


I did the whole work and travel in Oz last year and it was AMAZING. I know its scary and so in the beginning but trust me, you WILL find somebody as soon as you get to the hostel. Espescially if you're going with a company, so dont worry I def recomend it, best time ever!!! So jealous.



Im booking my flights next week for the 9th October.. starting in sydney and going from there really, havent got any plans sorted! add me on fb and we can have a chat and maybe meet up out there!!/profile.php?id=754414815


brilliant! I don't have facebook at the moment, the visa is more expensive than I expected so I'm gonna have to work a bit more to save but still want to go this year! when I book my flight I will message you to see where your at.
Thanks for getting back to me
helen x

Hi helen

I am hoping to go out in sept if things go 2 plan also on my own as my bessie as bailed due 2 getting loved up!!! gutted!!

i havent made anyplans set in stone but really want to spend xmas and nyear in sydney.

u any idea what ur plans are?!

Helen x

hi helen!
I don't really have any set plans at all, When I get there I was gonna chill out for a week then I will need to get a job pronto...was thinking fruit picking/farm work. Do that for a couple of months and save some money then go off travelling for a bit. I don't want to make to many plans until I get there... have you done any travelling before?
Helen x

Hi I am going to Sydney alone in October. I've heard its very expensive so I'm planning on working whilst there. I want to stay there until the new year and then travel up the coast to cairns over a few months. Maybe buy or hire a campervan if it's not to expensive.
Elliot 23 essex

Hi Helen! I'm going to Sydney on the 9th October as a solo traveller. When were you thinking of going? X

hi yeh i did 4 and a half months in america 2 summers ago and thailand in january, defo goin back there it was amazing!!

i have no set plans eitha i have a friend living in alice springs and a few aussie mates i met in america that are in melb & syd so wud like to see them.

great barrier is on the list along with syd for nye!!

i am looking at goin sept/oct as my main job is coming to an end, & working silly hours 2 save money is getting to me!! haha

helen xx

Australia 2012

Australia 2012

Australia 2012

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