Travel buddy for oz in nov, dec time

Hi I'm Amanda I'm 30 tommorow ahh (but am told I only look 20), I'm hoping to get a working holiday visa to go to australia for a year maybe two depending on how things work out whilst I'm there, don't really have any plans, I have just split up from my girlfriend n feel it's now or never as it something I've always wanted to do. I'm up for an adventure and am up for trying anything, I have been round Europe in a camper an for 5 weeks n just winged it loved it but now want to go a bit further , the only thing that I know I want to do is been in Sidney for christmas n new year which a think is a must for most Brits when there, I have no plans just know that a want to travel n work if a can get it nothing set in stone was looking to go around November , December time so if you looking to around the same time please get in touch as a really want to do this but am a bit nervous about going on my own thanks Amanda


Am Jodie 28 live in Gloucestershire am flying out to Oz 2nd Oct to Adelaide ive got a hop on hop off bus to Cairns from there and will be in Sydney for xmas and Newyear but may be staying with friends then but not too sure as really their my sisters friends and just hoping for an invite lol. sounds lik we maybe doing the same sort of thing.


Hi Jodie I'm not sure of anything other than a want be there n got most of my funds sorted, how long did it take you to get your visa, cos that's all a really need to do then I'm off just thought if a nov dec time it would gi me time to find someone else up for adventure, so are you going on your own?, an how long we're you planning on going for Amanda

Hi Manda,

I'm Matt, I've just turned 30 and defo looking forward to travel around OZ, going to be around end of OCT and will be in Sydney over until after New Year. Will be working as well, going to need a really good job! LOL

Also looking at doing a second year visa if I can.

Interesting. That would be a great guide for traveling.

Hey Mand

visa didnt take long get on it, yeah am going on my own flying from Heathrow 2nd Oct join if ya want? am going for a year then asia hopefully or 9 months in oz then Asia wouldnt mind a travel partner. Are ya on facebook my name is Jodie Poole my profile pic is me on the beach hugging my nephew add me easier than here amd wearing a white top x

Hey guys, get out to Australia, do the year on a WHV, it will be fantastic, unfortunately if you have already passedyour 30th birthday i'm afraid you will not be able to get a second year extention-good luck and happy travels.

unfortunately if you have already passedyour 30th birthday i'm afraid you will not be able to get a second year extention

This is not quite true. Both visas are until age 30 (inclusive), so one has until their 31st birthday to apply for the second WHV; and it's the application date which matters (as specifically pointed out on the ), so if one were to manage to complete 3 months of specified work before their 31st birthday, then it'd be possible to complete the full year of the 1st WHV, and then stay on for the full 2nd year as well.

unfortunately if you have already passedyour 30th birthday i'm afraid you will not be able to get a second year extention

This is not quite true. Both visas are until age 30 (inclusive), so one has until their 31st birthday to apply for the second WHV; and it's the application date which matters (as specifically pointed out on the ), so if one were to manage to complete 3 months of specified work before their 31st birthday, then it'd be possible to complete the full year of the 1st WHV, and then stay on for the full 2nd year as well.

Apologies ,

Sander you are quite right, i got a little confused, it is as Sander points out your 31st birthday that is the cut off point, i learnt this from personnal experience so my advice would be get you rural work out of the way as soon as you can, if this is a possible issue for you. I waited too long and as a result of wrong advice and bad research i missed out on a 2nd year.

Good luck,


Just missed the cut off point for the second year then cos haven't got my whv yet n it was my bday yesterday thanks for the extra info thou

Travel buddy for oz in nov, dec time

Travel buddy for oz in nov, dec time

Travel buddy for oz in nov, dec time

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