hi; Im moroccan man 37 y/o single. I m looking for a travel companion (woman) for a trip across morocco
(june; july 2012) so anyone interested just send me an email in order to know more about me and the trip.
Please post your details publicly. It's very creepy /suspicious that you only want a female companion, so please - keep this out in the open!!
And to any females; be very, very careful.
[ 16-Jun-2012, at 01:16 by Peter ]
hi peter, just I want to know what is suspicious....!!!
if l like just a female as travel companion, that my choice and I think it's obvious
to understand, I think now adays a woman can choose herself with whom and where to travel
best regards
Travellerspoint is not a dating website. The travel companions forum is here to find people to travel together with, not for anything else. Other travellers will be browsing this forum with such expectations, and we want to encourage that and to help them feel secure here.
To then have you come in here as a 37 year old man (with you reacting to two fellow travellers, both women, 17 years old and 28 years old respectively), specifying that you're single, asking only for female travel companions, and asking them to contact you outside of public view... That gives the impression you want more than just a travel companion; at which point we return to the first sentence of this post: Travellerspoint is not a dating website.
(It's possible that your intentions are entirely honorable, and that you have a good reason for only wanting to travel together with women. But it'd help the impression you're giving off if you'd explain those reasons in public view, as well as tell a little bit about yourself for people to read before deciding to contact you.)
[ 16-Jun-2012, at 03:26 by Sander ]

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