Travelling to Sydney beginning of September

Hi all,

Hi Jessica,

I've done the same thing, but booked onto do the package on the 10th not booekd flight yet! Seems a lot of people are going to sydney around that time!

I'm also scared but so so excited! Can't wait to go out there!

Lauren... X

Helloooooooooo Jessica!

I am heading out mid September! to Sydney also but will most likely travel up to Brisbane to stay at Surfers paradise as its very backpacker friendly and has nice beach's and nightlife (and most important a Mcdonalds right next to the beach GET IN THERE!!!)

You will most likely meet hundreds of people when you get there and will be a great experience so wouldn't be scared! I am in a similar boat and cannot wait to leave the UK for a bit! Only left the country like twice (im 21 from Eng), I genuinely cannot wait to get out there and explore, meet people and poke koalas.

Take care!


Hello Jess,

I am flying over to Sydney from NZ beginning of September. I want to do the OZ Experience too.

I'm 23 and traveling on my own for the first time ever

How long are you planning to be in Australia for? I'm hoping to meet some people to travel with x

how long you going for jodieed?

Planning to be there for 3 months!

Nice you got the route you gonna do ? i going next year!!

Hi Lauren,

When are you planning on booking your flights? I got mine at STA travel from Heathrow and they are quite reasonable prices! And how long are you planning to stay out there for? From what I've seen it looks like there is quite a few people doing the Ultimate Oz on the 10th! x


Have you booked your flights yet? Travelling up to Brisbane sounds like such a good idea!! How long do you think you will spend in Sydney? I do want to spend New Years in Sydney I think. It looks amazing there! I know there are going to be loads of people in the same boat as us and Im sure when I get there I will think I was so silly to have been worried!! Yeah I cant wait to see all the wildlife, apart from the snakes!! I am petrified of snakes haha x


I'm hoping to be in Australia for 8 months to a year! How about you? I think the Oz Experience looks so good!! Do you think you will book it? If you do try and book it for the 3rd September!! Im so excited x

Hi again!

Not booked my flights yet nope! I just know I will have enough money for it by September which is why I am going then. Yeah I had a look at all the places their and I picked out Brisbane because of surfers paradise area (found some cheap dorms to spend the first week or so in etc) and the fact that its not MILES from Bondi Beach (syd) which is the place to be around xmas so I hear

Yeah you will be fine haha, I hate snakes too but won't stop me living to the full! x

Travelling to Sydney beginning of September

Travelling to Sydney beginning of September

Travelling to Sydney beginning of September

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