Hi all,
buy a tree, buy some christmas food would be ok, just enjoy it
In most cases I simply go with the flow. If I'm in a place that doesn't celebrate Christmas (or whatever holiday) then that doesn't bother me, I'd rather just do whatever the locals do...
I'm like Terry; I go with the flow. Here in Norway that means celebrating it on the 'wrong' day, ie. the 24th of December But I also remember a Christmas in Sydney that was spent on Bondi together with the rest of the backpackers. Or Montezuma, Costa Rica. Don't think we even did anything to mark it that time.
I will admit that Christmas feels more Christmassy to me when it's colder and preferably with snow. I know that is book/movie inspired and pushed on me since I've been a kid, but yeah, it's stuck somewhere in the back of my brain like that, even though as a kid I never experienced that. Weird how that works really...
I am never abroad thank you very much!
Hi all,
Just wondering what everyone does when celebrating Christmas overseas. I'm always trying to make our Christmas in Australia a bit more familiar for my Scottish partner (but I think I fail). What is the one thing you need for it to feel like Christmas?
Don't the Scots do Hogmanay at new years end more than Xmas? Maybe try that for your partner instead.
Thanks for your responses. He's not really fussed either tbh. I think the novelty of a hot Christmas will last a few more years, so I'll have to think about it once that stops being fun.
Have a happy and safe festive season everyone!

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