Is it Safe?

Lauren2611 has indicated that this thread is about Thailand

Hello Lauren,

most people who tell you a place is dangerous have no real first hand evidence, generally people hear horror stories, and, naturally think the worst.

No one ever tells the stories about the backpacker who travelled the world for 2 years and experienced beauty, culture and hospitality without any negativity, this is the realism of most peoples adventures.

You're friends and family obviously care about you a great deal so its understandable why they worry. I always say in these situations that luck has alot to do with potential hazards and dangers, act as you would in the UK, believe me you are much more likely to be mugged or robbed in London as you are in Bangkok, yes Thailand has its fair share of hustlers, con artist's and wrong uns, but as long as you follow normal street smarts you should be fine.

There are always plenty of other traveller's in the same boat as you, you will meet new people, experience new things and before you know it you'll be strolling confidently to your next destination wondering what all the fuss was about. 99% of backpackers encounter no problems in Thailand, the country is, on the whole, set up to cater to tourists, the people are generally warm and caring so go for it, you'll have a blast.

Thailand is perfectly safe. You will be fine. You will be missing out if you don't go to South-East Asia, plus Australia is so expensive!

How many of your friends and family who are saying this have been to Thailand?

[ 17-Dec-2013, at 05:59 by Steve79 ]

Hi Both,

Thank you so much for your replies!

Thinking about this now you are both so right, my friends and family are just going on the ''horror'' stories they have heard.

I'm definitely going to go the route i want especially when its my money and my planning.

Thanks both

Lauren x

I'm living in Thailand and for my normal life....I think being here isn't that dangerous.
Tons of backpackers love to travel to Thailand. You can touch the charm and beautiful of backpacking experiences here.

Thailand is safe as you travel anywhere else, just prepare some informations, stay in the right place, walk through the main street, be careful of yourself, choose the right choice, and look carefully if you gonna go for night life. So that you have not to worry traveling here.

BTW, another thing you may have to consider about is just staying and acting smart for any fares or cost that you may be charged higher that usual such as Taxi, Tuk Tuk, or another services.

One more thing I wanna recommend is you'd better check out the news about political situation. Although there is nothing dangerous but if you will stay in Bangkok you may get some effects like transportation.

Chiangmai maybe another plan if you wanna spend some times to chill out and get relaxed for your vacation.


Check the US State Department Website for Thailand.
They have the latest best info.

Also... consider doing some New Zealand... not just AU.

Also Google "Unrest and saftey in Thailand".

They have been haveing some serious problems and very large protests in Bangkok.

See Lonely Planet below:

I think that traveling with a wing person is generally wise ... if you have a concern.

Also... consider doing some New Zealand... not just AU.

Oh yes I would definitely agree with this - New Zealand is a fantastic place to travel.

Thank you everyone!

Rhmyers you have been a great help, i don't really have that much concern myself but when people tell you enough that it isn't safe etc you start to believe it i suppose!

I don't know why i haven't looked into New Zealand but it is supposed to be beautiful so i will definitely try to add this into my plans!

Also, as i will most likely arrive in Aus in May, do you think there will be work opportunities?

Thanks again

Thailand is really safe and beautiful destination to explore. You should go there indeed and explore its beauty. Moreover, it is as safe as anywhere in the world. Happy travel and enjoy !

Is it Safe?

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