Hi there,
If I understand correctly what you're envisioning: You can write blog posts on any subject, and then tag them with whatever word you can think of (including "preparation" or somesuch), and see the blog posts on that subject grouped together by that tag.
Tags by default will show up in the sidebar of your blog, so that you can easily navigate between them. If you have one or more tags that are more important to you than any other, and you want to have them stand out in the navigation, even that is possible with some judicious use of CSS. (Not directly applicable, but see for some idea of what'd be involved, which resulted in .)
The "pre-trip planning" section from the planner tool doesn't (as far as I know) integrate with the blog in any way - but of course it's easy enough to manually copy/paste information between the two.
[ 17-Dec-2013, at 08:48 by Sander ]
Hi Sanders,
thanks for your help.
Actually, the multi-language thing was on my list of things to ask, so good that you mentioned it. The only (small) problem I see with using tags for this is the duplication of posts. The same post will show up one after another if you don't click on the specific language label. Is there any way of avoiding this?
Regarding sections on the blog. Would it be possible to use CSS to show a top bar with the different sections? Like in here:
Actually, the multi-language thing was on my list of things to ask, so good that you mentioned it. The only (small) problem I see with using tags for this is the duplication of posts. The same post will show up one after another if you don't click on the specific language label. Is there any way of avoiding this?
You'd want to write each post twice, once in one language, and once in another? Wow, ambitious!
In that case I'd actually recommend starting a second blog, and keeping one completely in one language, and the other completely in another language. That'd also allow you to change the language of all user interface elements to the relevant language. You can have multiple blogs under the same user account here, so you could still make use of the same photos / travel map, meaning the only overhead for you would be to change to the blog management area of the one blog to the other whenever you were done writing a post.
Regarding sections on the blog. Would it be possible to use CSS to show a top bar with the different sections? Like in here:
It won't be perfect, but you can come a long way, yes.
Limitations: Re-ordering tags would be extremely time-consuming, so they'll be listed in alphabetical order. The navigation will also overflow into the main content when you get too many tags - at which point you'd need to increase the vertical space reserved for it - and right now I have just moved all tags to the top of the page; selecting only some tags to move there, with others staying in the sidebar, would be quite a bit more work. And there's no way to get a "home" link to start with, so that'll ... *ponders* ... no, we can just re-use the homelink from the sidebar and style it like a tag. *tweaks* There. But the other things I said will remain as limitations. Oh, and you'll actually have to enable tags in the sidebar first for this to work! I only just now noticed they aren't enabled by default. So go to settings, and set "Show tags in navigation" to "yes".
The CSS for all this will follow. Copy/paste that at the very bottom of your template (go to the template section in your blog management area, and click on "Customise this template"), and you're good to go. I hope my comments in the CSS will help you to customize it all to your own liking, but don't hesitate to ask if you want any further tweaks. Also note that each template is built up in a different manner, and it's quite likely not all of them will support this particular re-ordering. At the very least the code would need major rewriting to work for another template.
#center {
padding-top: 4em; /* Make space for the new navigation bar at the top of the page. */
#tag_cloud {
position: absolute; /* Take the tags out of the normal flow. */
top: 0; /*Position it at the topleft of the #center element. */
left: 0;
width: 100%; /* Make this take up all available space. */
margin: 0; /* Reset white-space */
border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; /* Create a border to make the navigation stand out a bit. */
padding: 10px 0 5px 6.5em; /* Visually center the tags (vertically), and leave a bit of space on the left for the "home" link. */
font-size: 150%; /* As main navigation items, the tags can stand being a bit larger. */
#tag_cloud h3 {
display: none; /* Don't show the "Tags" header */
#tag_cloud a {
margin-right: 10px; /* Create a bit more horizontal separation between the individual tags. */
#tag_cloud .activity_level_1 a,
#tag_cloud .activity_level_2 a,
#tag_cloud .activity_level_3 a {
font-size: 100%; /* Undo the tag-sizing relative to frequency. */
li#main {
position: absolute; /* Take the "home" link out of the normal flow. */
z-index: 1; /* Position it "above" the #tag_cloud element, which is necessary to make it clickable, since it comes "before" it. */
top: 0; /*Position it at the topleft of the #center element. */
left: 0;
height: auto; /* Get rid of its fixed height. */
margin: 0; /* Reset white-space. */
padding: 10px 0 5px 0; /* Visually center it (vertically). */
li#main a {
height: auto; /* Get rid of its fixed height. */
float: left; /* Style this like the tags. */
margin: 0 10px 5px 0; /* idem */
border-radius: 5px; /* idem */
padding: 3px 7px; /* idem */
font-family: inherit; /* idem */
font-size: 150%; /* idem */
line-height: inherit; /* idem */
color: #666; /* idem */
background: none #eee; /* Get rid of the home icon; style this like the tags. */
li#main a:hover {
text-decoration: none; /* Style this like the tags. */
color: #fff; /* idem */
background: none #85add4; /* idem */
[ 17-Dec-2013, at 11:52 by Sander ]
Happy New Year!
Sorry for the late response. Christmas has been a busy period
I know writing in two languages is challenging in terms of motivation, but I expect to keep posts short
Thanks for your thorough response. I will have a look to this and apply the CSS you provided. Should be enough for what I am after
Thanks again

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