Jordi Valbuena. Photos

Hello, I'm new to the forum, I'm spanish, living in France, nuts about travel and photography since forever and I would like to share some pictures here.
I would love to upload some samples to this post but still figuring out how to upload photos onto a post. Is that even possible?

Hi Jordi,

You can upload photos, but not include them in the forums. We have a blogging platform which is made for such things. To upload photos, hover over the "Control Panel" link a the top and click Upload photos.

I've had to remove your links, because we have a forum policy against anything that is self-promotional.

Ah OK, I thought it was only forbidden when there was economical interest behind. Thanks

i am a freshman in this forum,nice to "meet" ya

Jordi Valbuena. Photos

Jordi Valbuena. Photos

Jordi Valbuena. Photos

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