gardenia has indicated that this thread is about South America
You shouldn't be getting medical advice on an anonymous travel forum and in any case all advice is useless anyway because it depends entirely on which areas you're visiting so it's impossible to comment.
I was more wanting to know if it was possible to get these in south america if needed. Totally wasnt looking for medical advice at the end of the day its peoples choice.
Sorry, misunderstood.
Yes, totally possible to get malaria medicine in most major South American centres.
That said, most malaria medicine has to be taken before/during/after your exposure. You can't wait until you arrive...
Terry does have a point about receiving information about health issues on a travel-related website. But, members do have information based on their personal experiences. TP also has a section in the Travel Guide specifically written about travel health - malaria is one of the topics. The link is listed below.
With that said, my personal recommendation is doxycycline. There are no strains of malaria resistant to doxy and it is cheap, available as an OTC in SA and has minimal side effects. (All that info can be found on the page linked below.) It's biggest drawback is the duration of administration following your return home. But, it has a long history of use.
As always, those who answer these types of questions should also recommend the poster to seek information from a travel health clinic and/or personal physician.
Check out the malaria page and if you have any questions, post them here or you can PM me directly. (Checking the page saves writing a long reply in this thread.)
Have a safe trip and enjoy!
you need to talk to a tropical doctor, not a travel site.
You need to consult your family doctor or the region, where you're going. Keep safe and happy journey.

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