I want to make my blog 100% private. To do this I have added a password and unchecked the "add social bookmark links". But my readers still can link my photos on facebook, which gives everyone a direct link to all my photos without using the password. Is there a way to block readers from sharing my blog?
The photo system and the blog system here are separate. The blog (text) can be password protected, but unfortunately it's technically not really feasible to do the same with the photos. Anyone who knows the direct URL to a photo can share that. Additionally, you have a whole bunch of your photos showing in your , which anyone can get to just by browsing to your profile. (If you want to hide individual photos from your public gallery, you can do that by editing them, and unticking the "Show in Gallery" option (also available when uploading photos). You can then still embed those photos into your blog entries, but other people can only navigate to them through those blog entries. (Or by following a direct link.))
The main reason we don't offer a password protection option for the photo gallery is to not provide a false sense of security about the photos. If someone knows the direct URL to the actual image, they can share that, and there's nothing we can do to stop it. (This works that way even on sites like flickr which have elaborate schemes to try and prevent "downloading" of photos and making them otherwise private. Anyone with the least bit of technical know-how, who has been given access in the first place, can bypass the sharing prevention in a matter of seconds.)
I think the best solution to this (besides hiding your photos from your public gallery) is social: Just ask your readers not to share your photos, explaining your reasons for doing so. And if they're so rude that they'll continue doing so anyway, change your blog's password, and don't give them the new password anymore.
[ 24-Nov-2013, at 03:33 by Sander ]

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