So I'm in a little bit of a dilemma right now. I'm a junior in college who is planning on studying abroad this coming spring. I'm a Chinese and government major with a minor in Japanese.
Wow, that's a long-winded statement! Go to Japan to discover and learn new things to help you and your career. You're too focused on language skills. Go there to discover the culture; how people live; how people think; how they do business. You already know a lot about China. Now, go to Japan and learn something fresh. Plus, you'll pick up the language -- and the idioms -- more quickly while you're in Japan. And you'll have a great time doing it.
"Brevity is the Soul of Wit!"
Maybe time for a change! Try something different this trip and do Japan. Worry less about how fluent you are in Japanese. Think about it, millions of tourists visit Japan each year with barely more language skills than how to say hello and thank you! They seem to do okay too! You are already past that stage!
Have fun.

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