sedakaray has indicated that this thread is about Greece
sorry about this, those are Schengen rules, nothing to do with Greece.
it depends on the traineeship. If this is by a recognized university you could get a student visa. If this is by a company it depends on the company, how well known it is and how good a reputation it has, to get a business type visa (the company has to provide a letter for you to give to the visa people)
They gave you (as they are supposed to do) a general use (aka tourist visa). Also notice that you CANNOT work under this status (you will NOT get a work permit)
There is no way around the law, it is an international law.
there is also the rule of reciprocity: the flexibility of the rules are co-depending on the way Turkey is behaving in the international scene and in the bilateral relationship
hope this helps
Dear GPK,
Thank you very much for you interest and quick reply. Yes I know that I cannot work, it is ok.
But my question is about; my visa is 'maximum 90 days within 90 day period'. not '180 days period'
So I would like to learn that when I come back to Turkey at the end of 3 months, normally I have to wait 3 months to apply C type visa again. However because its validation is going to be over ( because of 'maximum 90 days within 90 day period'. not '180 days period'), I thought that maybe it is possible to apply without waiting 3 months.
Is this possible?
Othervise, I will try to manage it with my school when I arrive there. I will come back at the end of 3 months and apply again for longstay visa.
But if it is possible to take a schengen visa (the same one that I have now) without waiting 3 months in Turkey, I can also do this. this could be more easier. So totally I will be able to stay 6 months on there..
Thank you very much again...

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