Booking accomodation in Thailand

Travelling to Thailand (Bangkok & southern Islands) next and starting to get worried about accomodation. Gotten into the habit of not booking accomodation and rather arriving in a new place, walking around and hassling the price for the night.

"Turning up" gives you flexibility, but reserving gives you peace of mind.

If you are into hostels and smaller guesthouses, many, if not most, don't book online. But, if you are looking at hotels, those with online booking, or featured on booking sites, most will have better internet rates or packages. Right now, Thailand is moving toward peak season. Simply turning up can often result in being turned down.

Definitely book something for your arrival. After here, and rested, you might be more prepared for hunting down your next stay.

I would book the first night at least so you can have a place to park your bags and get cleaned up. This is especially true if you are arriving during the middle of the night.

If you ever get around to asking for suggestions on lodging remember to mention a price range too! Once you have a few suggestions you may be able to get a booking with a simple phone call when you are in Bangkok. Sometimes you can call hotels from the airport and ask to hold a vacant room for you.

The tightest time for walk-ins is close to Christmas and New Years eve.

Good luck.

[ 31-Oct-2010, at 07:57 by karazyal ]

Good advice from both guys. I 'wing it' every time in SEA. After 14 trips to SEA, I know where I want to stay in each city.

I see you were in VN recently. The 'wing it' strategy works well there. Same thing with Tland. There are so many places to stay that it is almost impossible to get shutout in Nov. Every time you get off a bus, touts are there to mob you and pitch their hotel/GH. If you were arriving between Dec. 1 and Feb, I would book your first night for sure. Then chat with your fellow BPers about where they stayed in different cities. Bring a notebook to write down all places recommended, names, e-mails, etc. It is worthless your first day but one of the things you will cherish after your adventure.

I would still book something if arriving after 4pm. Get a place that is easy to get to from Suvarnabhumi. Then over to KSR in the am. Perfect time to beaver about for a room. There are literally hundreds of places to choose from in a few blocks of KSR.

I would use the 'accommodation' option here on TP for a start. See what is offered in each city you will visit. Make your list. Then use 'tripadvisor' to see what others say about that property. When the touts make their pitch, you will already have an idea what to pay.

Good luck with your planning.

Hi Sue,

Read the great posts and advices from the guys. However, I would like to suggests that you book and plan everything before hand. To prevent hassles and probable downers on your travel. Do also prepare any back up plans or any other alternative options on your plan if in any cases there are any untoward incidents that may come up. You might want to go over the net first, and the minute you find what you want budget wise, you might want to call the contact person and inquire necessary questions for you to iron out all the gray areas that may come up during your travel. From there, the rest of the travel to worry about is to enjoy it to the fullest. Have a nice time.


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Thanks so much for all your suggetions (and the description of thailand on post 6, very random!). Feeling a lot more at ease now! Will book my first night in bangkok because I do arrive quite late! Looking forward!!

Booking accomodation in Thailand

Booking accomodation in Thailand

Booking accomodation in Thailand

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