I was wondering if anyone could help me, give me some ideas, opinions, etc.
I will be travelling with my boyfriend through America from LA - NY for 35 days.
We fly into LAX, we would like to spend a little time in LA, the main places we want to visit San Francisco, Las Vegas, Gran Canyon, Miami and New York, we fly out of JFK.
We were originally going to travel in a camper, the problem is now that we are on a budget and were travelling with another couple who have now backed out.. So we have less money than originally planned. So, we are having a bit of trouble finding a camper cheap enough.. also because of the miles we want to do!
We have thought about trains, buses, etc. but i don't really know if that is a good option!....
What do you think would be the best idea??
I look foward to hearing your replies! Would be great help!
Thank-you, Terri.

Well, it depends on how willing you are to "rough it"--plus what time of year you plan to do this trip.

If you are planning to go during the summer, then think about booking some campgrounds or hostels, renting a car (instead of a camper), and then going all over. KOA campgrounds or state park campgrounds (check each state individually for these) are easy to book and (other than on the beaches) readily available.

Going during the winter is a bit tougher. Then the camper idea becomes more of a necessity--or else going only to places with hostels--or to out-of-the-way places where motels/hotels are cheaper. Of courses, prices will also be cheaper for these places during the winter months.

Have a great trip--and write more about when you are going--and your interests, which help us in providing more detailed information.


[ 31-Oct-2010, at 10:02 by Calcruzer ]

We arrive in LA on 24th April and depart NY on 30th may!
We are now looking into renting a car instead of a camper but the problem is that the driver is 22! Plus you have to pay a one way fee which adds around 1000$ onto the cost!!

Yes, if you can do this trip as a "round trip" (maybe going east through the southern part of the country and then back west through the middle of the country) you'll save a ton of money--but then you'll have less time to spend in each place--and have to drive an extra 2200 miles (and spend 5 days getting back to LA)--so it's a tradeoff that only you can decide whether is worth it or not.

Hope you enjoy your trip.

You might save some money by flying home on a different date. May 30th is Memorial Day holiday. Also, look into I believe there is actually a couple couchsurfing their way through America currently (I think they're from Australia, I could be wrong though).

Greyhound bus tickets are fairly cheap, but extremely uncomfortable with insanely long travel times (they stop in almost every town with a Greyhound station to pick up/drop off).

You can also look into for train schedules/fairs (nothing like European trains, though).

I'm from New York and currently live in Miami. Both cities have very affordable hostels. But definitely look into couchsurfing. It might be your best bet.

Enjoy your trip




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