We are travelling from Australia to Vancouver next year for a wedding on the 30th July 2011 then fly to San Francisco, pick up a car or RV then drive across to New York...maybe go to New Orleans on the way. Should we drive an RV or a car & stay in different sorts of accommodation along the way..eg camp grounds, motels/hotels & B & B's?
It's been a long time since we have had a driving holiday & we are looking forward to it but coming from Melbourne, Australia will it be difficult?
Any help much appreciated
Jules from Melbs
Are you going to rent a vehicle or buy? Cars are cheap to rent, RVs are not. Same with buying used. Many decent cars are under $3K, not many RVs are in decent shape under $6K.
Some quick math might help with your decision. Many cars/vans can get over 30 mpg. Most RVs get appox. 10 mpg, or less. A 6,000 mile trip will cost appox. $600USD in fuel for a car getting 30 mpg. An RV will cost $1,800 in fuel at 10 mpg. Figure motel costs of $60/nite across the US. You will find rooms for less in some places, more in some cities. If you are on the road for 20 days, the $1,200 in fuel savings car vs RV is gone. However, you are not going to have free camping/parking with an RV every night either. Figure $25/night in campgrounds, National Parks for RV camping. Depending on how many free nights you can find, the balance tips towards a car. Add in rental costs and the decision is easy: rent or buy a car.
There is an driving a van around the US right now. Tony & Becky came to Vegas, found a van to buy and off they went. We had a few days together, (photo gallery) finding a van and seeing some of the sights. The are across the US. The van they bought is big enough to sleep 2 people. You might contact them and get some helpful advice on driving across the US.
Good luck with your planning.

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