Travelling to OZ in 2011 alone and bricking it!!

Hey guys,

hey Joanne.

I too am going for a year on my own in 2011, but im having to wait until oct/nov : (

Ive been reading forums everywhere and seems the most common route is to land in Sydney and travel up the east Coast to Cairns...or vice versa.

Bricking it? i thought it was bad enough for me, but cant imagine what your going through with only a few months to go! But the general concensus around here is that there are so many people in the same boat thats its actually harder not to meet anyone than it is to meet people! If you are staying in hostels, there will be loads of like-minded people there, and if you end up travelling up or down the East Coast, you can always use the greyhound service, which again will have many like minded people travelling with you. Im sitting here telling you this... but truth is, ill be looking for people to give me re-assurances when my time is upon me!

From what ive heard hotel/bar work is easy enough to know you have to complete your RSA course dont you?

Hey kev86

Thanks for your response.

I know about the RSA course its on my long list of things to do...

Thanks for your advice really think i might start off in Cairns and travel down don't really want to double back as i want to see alot down south/west but then again im a hugh tennis fan so im still in two minds to start in Melbourne for the Austrailian Open try and blag a ticket!! Its a week before i book my ticket ahhh so ill keep researching and any more tips are welcome

I'm so glad i found this site ive been reading alot of entries and fell very reassured that there are lots of others out there with the same concerns.



Hi Joanne,

I'm heading out on my own in April. I haven't booked my flights yet but I am in the next few weeks, I know exectly which flights I am going for!

I've been looking at going with OzIntro. Some people don't think the groups are worth the money, but if you go to their website it does include alot, including your first weeks accommodation. They also do the same in Thailand which I'm considering...

I'v been looking into this for years, but same as you never had the guts! I'm also giving up job and just going for it, now or never!

Luckily I have a few friends in work who have been, they has been answering my random questions.

I mentioned OzIntro, but to be honest you would meet people no matter where you went. I just like the sound of an arranged group to give mysself piece of mind to be honest. They have helped me loads

Do you know if the bar/hotel course can be completed here, before leaving?


Thanks Claire

I've looked into Ozintro as well still deciding?? It seems like a good idea but not looking to hang about sydney for too long as i've heard its quite expensive!!

I'm already have a RSA cert but did it in belfast during the summer, it was just a day course- im not sure if it will stand in oz though I have to check. Once i find out ill let you know Not sure of cost either as my work paid for it!


Cool, thanks! I knew you needed something to work in a bar but I wasn't sure what it was...

Yeah I have heard Sydney is quite expensive too. I'm just going to do the week I think then move on, hopefully with some new people I meet, then try and get a job. I just don't know how much money to take!!!


Im taking roughly £4000 that's excluding flights,insurance,WHV e.t.c hopefully this will last me for a bit, i want to get work within the first two months though...hopefully ill find something!!

I was thinking about the same, so the fact your taking about the same makes me feel better

Hey Joanne, dont worry about being alone, i went out in mar08 alone and within a day had made about 20 friends with whom i meet up with on my travels and some of whom i travelled with. I started in Cairns and went south but from your departure date i'd suggest doing it the other way round.

I didn't do any travel groups but travelled by greyhound. work is easier to find in the bigger cities.

well done for taking the plunge, you wont regret it and try and stay out as long as you can

Hey Joanne,

I did Oz earlier this year, and am now back in Sydney working for a little while. I started in Adelaide in January, went down to Melbourne (and went to the Australian Open!), then to Sydney and all the way up to Cairns by the end of March. Wherever you go you'll meet people.

If you go to the tennis you can get a day pass, which is pretty cheap and which gives you access to the outside courts. We were there when Murray was playing Cilic in the semi-final and people were leaving before the end of the game, so we got there tickets and got in to see the end of the match, I'm sure you'll be able to do the same.

The only problems we had were that we were getting into Cairns and Northern Queensland during the rainy season, so we did catch a lot of rain from Brisbane upwards.

Just remember that the whole of Australia is a hugely expensive place to travel. I was spending at least £1,000 a month and that was working on a really strict budget of never going out drinking, never eating out at all, and being as frugal as I possibly could with my money.

Also whilst I enjoyed Australia, I'd advise you make sure you go to New Zealand, and Fiji and South-East Asia if you get the chance, far more to see and do, and in the case of South-East Asia in particular, much, much cheaper!!

Have fun!

Travelling to OZ in 2011 alone and bricking it!!

Travelling to OZ in 2011 alone and bricking it!!

Travelling to OZ in 2011 alone and bricking it!!

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