looking for a travel buddy summer 2011! Im a 23yr old female

My name is marita,im irish,working as a nurse at the moment,contract is up in end of june so hoping to go away for the rest of the summer!Would love someone to travel with!Im very easygoing and friendly!Im up for fun times and an adventure!Im athletic and love to go walking/running in my spare time! Was looking at traveling around california! I would love to visit san diego,san francisco,new york,etc:~) Anywhere where the sun is really!!xoxo

Where are you from Marita? I live in California...

Hi Marita,

I'm off to LA beginning of July until end of August, planning on hiring a car & road tripping it, San Fran/Yosemite/Vegas/Death Valley/Grand Canyon/San Diego etc. & looking for someone to join me.

Oh that sounds great!!Im from Ireland trish Where are you from j3r3mynz?!

I'm from Auckland, New Zealand. Arrive in LA 3rd July, leave 29th August & can't flippin wait!!!

Hi Im Hannah, 25 from England looking at doing the same thing over summer but didnt want to do it alone. I've done little bits of travelling before but never to North America havnt got a specific route just wanted to see all the sights and have a fun summer!

Hey guys, I'm looking to arrive in LA in early August and drive to New York (arriving early Sept).

could meet up along the way if it suits. Pretty open plans at the momment so as long as I get to see vegas, grand canyon, colorado etc.

I'm a 29 yr old Kiwi currently living in Australia

I have usually traveled alone, but i am also looking for a travel buddy..

Hi Marita,

Im a 25yr old girl wanting to do the exact same thing as yourself...just looking for lots of fun & a real adventure. When are you hoping to travel??

Hey girls,

I am abhishek..n im travelling to Miami on the mermorial day weekend..27-30 May. Lemme know if you are intrested in joining me there. I am also open to travel to NYC. I have been there before and I have friends there. So it will be much easier..

looking for a travel buddy summer 2011! Im a 23yr old female

looking for a travel buddy summer 2011! Im a 23yr old female

looking for a travel buddy summer 2011! Im a 23yr old female

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