Will my SLR get stolen on my short trip to India & Thailand?


A DSLR is a tool; leaving it at home rather than using it negates its purpose. As with any tool, you should use common sense and take care of it (i.e. don't flaunt it; keep it from sight, carrying it in your daypack when not using it), and it wouldn't hurt to have good travel insurance which covers photographic equipment to a high amount, but don't let yourself be ruled by fear for it either. (When you use common sense, it's really rather rare to be the victim of mugging or theft.)

I've never been to India yet, but felt perfectly safe carrying my DSLR in Thailand (and South America and ... and ...).
When I don't carry my DSLR with me in my daypack, it goes (inside its camera bag) into my lockable travel bag, underneath all the dirty clothes. Of course, due to the non-flaunting thing, no one at the accommodation I stay at will know that I have a DSLR with me.

Oh, and make sure you carry your full memory cards / backups in a different location from the camera.

[ 19-Apr-2011, at 12:51 by Sander ]

Dank je Sander,

I know, its seems logical that i should take it...I've just been put off a little from people so thought i should ask people who might have taken one.

Feel about more confident about taking it now. I've got a couple of memory cards to take so if anyhting does happen, i'll have some pictures.


"... I'm guessing I'm not the first person to take a dslr abroad..."

You'd be guessing right.

Just use common sense. Also, be sure it's insured and that you do proper back-up of all your images. No big deal.

Have fun.


my DSLR ... was jacked once. A nikon D80. I was traveling with a kid i had know for 12 years .. on a 10 day trip around Japan. on the LAST night before our flight, we got in to a physical altercation. And well, the chicken -snip- that he is thought I am the kind of person that would call the airline and cancel his flight home... so the -snip- STOLE MY camera. Someone again, I had known for 12 years, who I thought would be protecting me from the type of person he turned out to be.

Other than that .. I've never had a problem with it. I would say, hide it somewhere in your room if there is no safe. I stay in hostels mostly, so when it's not with me ... I leave it in a locker.

On another note, i also shoot medium format film .. on a holga. So .. I highly doubt anyone will want to take my plastic camera, but quality wise, its actually better than my nikon d300s.

Moderator Comment

Just as a reminder, please refrain from using profanity in the open forums as it is a violation of the forums rules.

I understand the frustration of someone stealing a camera when there had been a long-term relationship. But, please help keep the forums appropriate for all age groups as we do have younger members.

Thank you.

[ Removed profanity ]

did you take the camera?

In India and Thailand you are unlikely to be mugged for your camera but there is petty theft. A camera is small enough to be with you all the time so it will not be stolen from your room but you will have to keep an eye on it at all times.

In India many years ago we had to leave our cameras outside of a temple complex to stop us taking pictures. When I came out I was handed an expensive camera instead of my cheap one. Lucky for the owner I'm honest or I could have walked off with it.

Will my SLR get stolen on my short trip to India & Thailand?

Will my SLR get stolen on my short trip to India & Thailand?

Will my SLR get stolen on my short trip to India & Thailand?

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