rsshapiro has indicated that this thread is about Morocco
What kind of travel experience do you have?
I have been to many countries in Europe, I've traveled through Canada by myself, but moost recently my best friend and I spent a week in Italy together. I feel that I've travelled quite a bit and am fairly savvy. This will not be my first time traveling by myself.
Thank you!
I think you should be pose pond your Morocco tour because Recently,On April 28, 2011, in an attack against Western tourists...
I wouldn't have any hesitations in the sense of terrorist threats but I would be careful if you are a young lady travelling alone.
When I say careful I don't mean that it can be especially dangerous. It is just that it can be stressful and exhausting to be continuously on the defensive. It will depend where you go and who you meet but solicitations from Moroccan men will be continuous.
Even if you think you are good at judging people's intentions, you will be in for some surprises. Over the years I've noticed that most solo female travellers end up pairing up with other tourists and travelling together.
If you don't speak any French it is another problem. It means you will be dependent on people from the tourism industry which are not necessarily the people you want to meet.
Good luck !
As a 19 year old female you should be as careful as you would be traveling alone elsewhere.
Apart from that, I think you'll find the country charming and safe.
99.9% of the country is extremely calm - and as we've seen in Vancouver, people can get out of hand anywhere. Those responsible for the atrocity on Jma el Fna are all locked up, and it wasn't al Qaeda. There are demonstrations every Sunday in some of the major cities, but despite the reporting they are surprising quiet and even friendly - and I say this having seen them. Even so, to be on the safe side, avoid the central squares of Rabat and Casablanca on Sundays.
Having been here for more than a decade, I'd say that the incidence of robbery and crime is certainly less than in any neighbouring European country.
Where are you planning to go?
I think you should be pose pond your Morocco tour because Recently,On April 28, 2011, in an attack against Western tourists...
With all respect, but that's just total BS. After attacks in NY and Bali, those places were probably the safest for tourists BECAUSE of that same attack. People should just decide and think for themselves!
Like said above, 99.9% of the people (just like any other country) are very friendly, welcoming and compared to western countries really know how to make people feel welcome and home.
Of course, as a single female traveller you can expect some form of attention and it's certainly best to avoid travelling at night, walk only in areas where there are more people and preferably take a taxi when it is dark. If you are going into the medinas of some cities like Fez or Marrakech, you might choose for a tourist guide, even one from the street. I find them honest and nice people. Sure, they try to make a few dollars and might also visit a 'shop of a friend or cousin' but that's just part of the culture and charm. Play along, be friendly and enjoy!
hi Rachel,i think,its possible to travel without problems in Morocco ,alone,having some basicals precautions..:if yiu are a "nice looking woman",you're going to have a lot of "friends" wherever you go,but most of them for the "reason" you can some parts of this country,they think that the europeans:americans girls are very "liberal"..and if you're travelling alone tthat means,you're free and looking for "sexual-adevetures"...! you have to be a little bit "distanced" with people,and not always smiling and beeing friendly,if you want to have some "intimity"..after that,just have to choice the rights place for sleep (hotels,backpackers places,etc..) to be in safes acdcept the "hospitality" in a particular house,that depends on you,how you feel the person who propose youy that..but in those days i don't recommand you tgis experience...some areas are more "quiets" for people (girls( travelling alone,like Agadir,and his area...if you need any iinformation about places,prices,contacts,in this area,contact me wheeswn you want,i gave you all information you nee,i live here,so i know well allthe area...bye,good trip Rachel...Daniel)
hello Rachel
welcome to morocco and have an enjoyable trip over here.
you don't have to worry about travelling solo in Morocco; it is safe just stay in busy places at night and act as you would act if you are elsewhere; don't be naive, in another word; Morocco is like any other country; there are good and bad people everywhere you go.
someone here talked about terrorism against tourist but this does not happen everyday or even every year, it happened and won't re-happen again...anyway; enjoy your time over here. and my advice will be "read the cultural differences and put in your mind that the men women connection is not the same as in western societies" enjoy every second and don't miss the Hammam experience where you can meet women and chat about some some cultural shocks .
ooh yeah, follow your 6th sense and don't trust people easily and mainly men as sex might be the priority of the first approach but again remember that people differ everywhere and i personally had met and hosted a lot of solo female travellers who had great time in Morocco and some of them travelled for 3 months over here.
greetings from the land of peace
peace & hugs
PS: if you see by any chance any protests on the streets then please stay away from them and everything will be just great. *snip*
Hey, I am female in my 20's and I went to Morocco with 3 other girl friends and we LOVED it. I would love to go again. I'm a big traveller and love to travel by myself and have done so in many occasions.
But personally I wouldn't go alone there. It's different from the cities in Europe where you can just relax and enjoy walking around taking your photos. The Moroccan people are very lovely and friendly, but they can be very very pushy. There was one instance where I stopped to take a picture of the enchanter's snakes (not of the people, we aren't allowed to take pictures of them) and the men surrounded me and grabbed me by the hand demanding money for taking the picture and wouldn't let me go. I was a bit scared. Luckily somebody came along and told them to stop it. And there were other situations that made me glad I was with my friends. The men, are very very very very pushy, even outside of Morocco. I was alone waiting for my boyfriend to arrive at a bus stop in Spain and a Moroccan man came and tried to convince me to give him my number, he didn't stop trying (despite me telling him to go away cuz I was waiting for my boyfriend) until my boyfriend actually came.
I don't think that anything bad would actually happen to you, you're in just as much danger of being assaulted in a western city. But I do think that for your own peace of mind, going with another person or two would be the best option.
Enjoy your trip! Make sure you take one of their tours to the desert over the atlas mountains. It's well worth it

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