hello!!! is there an easy way to export my blog from blogspot to travellerspoint point? thanks in advance!
Eek! Not that I know of.. Copy and paste and a few coffees on hand will probably do the trick!
actually that's what i have in mind... maybe the-easier-way doesn't exist in this blog exporting huh! thanks any way
Yeah sorry, afraid it isn't possible at the moment. Just a lot of pasting
I'm wondering if you could do something with yahoo pipes taking the feed from blogspot (has 25 entries in it) and somehow piping them individually on to the moblogging email address (maybe split the feed into 25 one-entry feeds, which you individually subscribe to via email with feedburner?)
It'd be interesting to try and figure out; but probably in the end cost you as much time as just copy/pasting straight away.
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