I give travel tips on a number of travel forums and whatever the country, you notice people going to the same old places as everyone else.
Hi Cyberia,
Have you been to Sinai Egypt?
I can give you tips where few people go, some places you might even be the only tourist
Hello Negma. I am planning a trip to Jordan in November 2011. After 2 weeks there, I want to stay at a beach campsite between Taba and Nuweiba for a weeks rest. Can you advise me of the best way to get from Aqaba in Jordan ? I will return to Amman to fly home. Do you know campsites ? Do you know of ferry price ? I have visited Egypt before but have never seen this area, it looks so beautiful - thankyou , Jay
Hello Jaway,
Sorry I have not written before. But appearantly sometimes things can get busy in Sinai
The area indeed is very beautifull, we hope you like our photos at facebook
It is nice you ask me about a campsite between Nuweiba and Taba, because I believe it is the best way to experience culture and nature from very close. This also support the local businesses there, which is also a very good point.
There are other campsites as well, of which I am not sure are all open in November. You could check the tripadvisor link of Nuweiba, special places, which I added below.
If it does not open (it looks really weird) just look at tripadvisor, Nuweiba Egypt, choose Specialty lodging and you will find a list of places near and in Nuweiba.
Check the place you like and try to mail or call them.
Sorry the link is all the way at the bottom, as it is such a long link.
You asked me what is the best way to go from Nuweiba to Aqaba, I have done it by boat and it is an interesting journey but not very fixed in times. It is also possible to do the same journey over land through Israel, but I heard some people waiting for hours to get into Israel as custom is really hard. So I think the best option is to take the ferry.-snip-
Hope this answers your questions.
And please if you have some more.
Dont hesitate to ask them.
[ Removing obvious promos. ]

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