Picture in portrait format systematically rotated 90°


PS: Just forgot to mention that I of course tried the option of rotating it right or left to move it back to the right format, but always got an error message - also, the picture after rotation gets an added prefix with '90_' or '270_'

Hi Antoine, hmm, weird. Are you uploading using the uploader, or sending in the blog entries via email? You wouldn't happen to be taking the pictures on an iphone would you? I've noticed issues with that myself on occasion.

The rotating should work (just tested this myself). It's correct though that the filename will change slightly and have something added to it 90_/180_/270_ to be more precise. Whilst I can't get an error to appear when doing this, I should point out that any photos embedded in the blog before the rotation will stop working; is that what you mean?

Hi Sam
Thanks for your quick reply. Yes, I used the uploader. And yes the automatic prefix is 90_ or 270_. I am not using an iPhone (don't have one) neither a Mac (using laptop Dell latitude). The pictures appear rotated right after the uploading, still while in the uploader. Then, I tried going into the picture manager and use the option to rotate them left or right, but I always get this error message saying the operation failed. It looks like the pictures are transformed and then frozen into this rotated state. No idea if I did something wrong at some stage.
Thanks if you or anyone else can help.

Wow, that is weird. I tried recreating this and can not get it to trigger. I thought it might be related to rotating prior to uploading, but that wouldn't add the 90_ to the filename, so it definitely appears that's happening afterwards.

What browser are you using?

Using Internet Explorer. I could use Firefox is that could help

Ok, I just tried with Firefox - unfortunately, the same problem persists

I made another interesting discovery: for those rotated pictures, if I go in the picture manager and click on 'download', I get the following error message:

"Wooops. Sorry!
That page could not be found.

It has either been moved or something is wrong with the link. If you ended up here after clicking a link, please let us know!

We've tried to find the closest match for you below, and included some other popular Travellerspoint pages for your convenience."

It seems the pictures is not found anymore on the server, which may explain why it cannot be rotated back. But strangely, I can still insert it in the blog in the rotated format.

For the non-rotated pictures, I get the picture on the screen as expected when clicking on 'download'.

And finally, I also got twice a landscape format picture rotated into portrait format!

I looked carefully to all possible settings, without finding any clue.

Help! Thanks!

Hi Antoine,

Okay, I asked around here, and it appears we've recently launched auto-rotation of images based on EXIF information. I'm guessing this is what is causing this, as it seems to explain everything. Dmitry is going to get in touch with you to ask for the originals to do some testing with!


Thanks. Dmitry just contacted me and I sent him two pictures for him to identify the problem. Let's wait and see!

Hi kangoos, we finally uploaded a workaround for this yesterday. We're now explicitly not rotating Windows Photo Viewer photos. Since this seems the main culprit here, it should hopefully clear the problem for most of you.

Let us know if it's still causing problems for you and if so, which software you are using to rotate images on your computer.

Picture in portrait format systematically rotated 90°

Picture in portrait format systematically rotated 90°

Picture in portrait format systematically rotated 90°

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