Where would you like to go and what would you like to do before you die? Mine's as follows (in no order of priority):-
Ok here goes
Rio de Janeiro
Great wall of China
Inca Trail
New York (all of it)
Ok I am going to leave it at that, because these are the things I really really want to do even though there are many other places I would love to see.
Starting with the first one in April 2006
This is so hard...there are too many, basically I want to go everywhere!!!But at the moment my must sees in the next 5 years are:
South and Central America (the majority of, Bolivia, Guatamala.....)
North and South Korea
oooh forgot to add the bit about where Im starting off!!!South Korea next year on a teaching programme and using the opportunity to also take in nearby countries: China, Vietnam, Phillipines, North Korea and Im simply must return to Thailand!
this is a hard one in that EVERYWHERE would really be a good answer. Six mos ago, I would have hands down said Egypt, but I luckily accomplished that already. Now, I am on the second tier:
Southeast Asia
Mayan ruins
Incan Ruins
There, I think I got most of the continents covered; Not too original, but obviously worth seeing for a reason, right?
I`d like to go everywhere I haven`t already been
and all the places I have been at least one more time.
Starting with: most of the Spanish speaking countries.
I really want to visit unstable countries:
North Korea
RD Congo
similar to others I'd like to see everywhere i haven't been but over the next few years i'd like to see more of Africa (what i've seen has only made my curiosity and admiration grow out of control), south america (hoping to do this next year for 4-6 months), the seven wonders of the world, moscow and st petersburg, ........ and the list goes on.....
erm... the dentist, as haven't been for 10 years plus, my teeth must be f**cked!
at least if I go before I die, I can have an open coffin at the funeral with whats left of my pearly whites, glistening back at my loved ones. nice.
erm... the dentist, as haven't been for 10 years plus, my teeth must be f**cked!
at least if I go before I die, I can have an open coffin at the funeral with whats left of my pearly whites, glistening back at my loved ones. nice.
So you're going to be smiling in the coffin with your pearly white teeth showing?

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