For all my fellow antipodeans out there I have a question....
i do it because i think why not! :-)
i'm doing it coz i don't want to have regrets when i'm old. deep.
i am doing it because there is more to life than southport, (my home town) and since my brothers death I have realised there is simply more to life than doing the same thing day in day out
I travel to discover. Discover new cultures, new experiences, new adventures, new friends, etc etc
Also because I kinda feel internally driven to wander around lol, and because I feel I have nothing to lose but money - which is worth nothing in my bank account anyways. And also sometimes to discover what I'm capable of.
I do it because life should not be mudane!
Because I can.
I just want to see what else is out there. I live in an age and a country that allows me to explore the world, I may as well take advantage of it.
The thing that really prompted me to go travelling was after watching a TV series called Globe Trekker on the travel program on Sky.
I have always been interested in discovering new cultures, foods and people etc, and this programme really got my taste buds wet.
I reckon about only 10% of my friends have gone travelling and when i ask the other 90% why they dont fancy it, they simple say it just doesn't appeal.....which i find very hard to understand.
because i don't want to sounds ignorant next time my grandchildren ask me something.

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