i am looking for people to travel with me from march.i am planning a expidition to leave johannesburg end of march to namibia,botswana ,zambia and malawi.the tour will be around 2 months.i have a fully equipped land rover4x4 (expidition ready) with all nessesary camping gear (and more) for 3 more people(just bring your pasport and clothing)if you are intressted,contact me for more details
Hi, hope you found some people to do the trip with you. I would have loved to join but I am doing the trip the other way round. I am in Mombasa right now, heading to Arusha before going to Dar Es Salaam, Zansibar, Malawi, Zambia.......
Hello winterdodg,
Not sure if you're still looking for travel buddies. I'll be in Namibia till end of March, travelling with a 4x4 (rental). I initially planned to stay down there for a couple of weeks more, but your project seems interesting. I'm on sabbatical leave, financially sound.
if you are still looking, I'd like to know more about your trip, and your plans.
Hi Winterdog: JP here
Sounds very interesting, give me a shout if you still have a seat.....I can be ready on 48 hour notice.....
Damn... Did not figure out that the post was 1 year old !!!
He must be in China by now.
All right, winterDog, if you plan another trip, there might be two guys eager to join you !

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