Cosmo1979 has indicated that this thread is about Australia
This is exactly something I would do, except then I wouldnt because of the logistics. I am sure you have it all sorted out. I kept a blog for my first year in Australia but that fizzled out.
If you are here for a year, youll see lots! Its such an easy country to get around and to tick off the major attractions as well as lots in between. I have seen most myself!
Let us know how to follow your progress!
Why don't you make a DVD of it and sell it?
Great idea Sophie and good luck. I enjoyed keeping an online journal as a record of my travels, but it's harder than you'd think to get your friends and relatives enthused about it - out of sight, out of mind!
What you need is a purpose or theme - serious or silly - for people to want to check in regularly, particularly if you like the idea of making it a book.
Ever read Josie Dew? She cycled around Japan. I'm not suggesting you do the same, but from the moment she set off there was going to be a book in it!
Awesome idea, my boyfriend and I have actually played around with doing something similar ourselves I agree with the above, setting some sort of theme to your adventure. You'll have so much fun doing it, and I for one would definitely youtube you
Thanks guys and girls, I really appreciate your supplort and interest!
Thinking of using my radio show as a way of inspiration and going around Australia looking for new bands/musicians to introduce t the world...what you reckon? I've started contacting people on myspace, would this be enough of a hook....not sure what else I cold if you have any mondblowing ideas let me know
Just off to buy my video camera....will let you know how it goes!
Great Idea!!!!!!!!
My cousin is in an awesome band in Perth - The Four Walls. They have a myspace page!!
He is called Lewis and he's the drummer. They play tons of gigs in Perth and I watched them a few times - they are cool.
Please feel free to Myspace them and say Joe sent you!
If I wasn't saving up for a big trip through South America I might jack my job in and join you!
Have fun
Awww, thanks Joey, that's great
If you find yourself in Oz at anytime in the next year, get in touch.......we could always hook up at some point and join together in the search for new music...the more the merrier I say....that goes for anyne else who may read this
Tell me about any bands or musicians you know about in Australia cos I'm a coming to hunt the latest top talent down to interview
OOoohh...and I went into town today (London) to buy a video camera for this mission and it appears to be yet another can of worms I've cracked open So I'm sleeping on a few options and going to make the purchase tomorrow!
Yaaaaaaay.....hope to hear from some of you soon......spread the word and the love too......xxxxxxx
If I did find myself in Oz I would love to!!
These are not new bands and are now pretty big, but you should check out Eskimo Joe and Birds of Tokyo too. Eskimo Joe are a Perth based band and I saw them out there too. Wicked!
While you're at it have a peek at my brothers band The Rookeries on myspace too! Had to get a plug in there for him lol.
I recently filmed a documentary style thingy of a drive from Oxford to Banjul, Gambia that I did with some friends and am in the process of editing that - its great fun!
Isn't travelling a marvellous thing?
Just a thought - you should consider getting a camera that can take a fish-eye lens. These are super duper wide angle lens that would be great for filming gigs from right up the front. You can buy really cheap (£20-30) fish eye adapters that just clip onto your video cameras original lens! Ask in Jessops or similar and see what you can find.
I used to have one for filming skateboarding when I was younger and you can do all kinds of creative stuff with them

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