Hey i would appreciate any information with this just to ease my mind ont he topic.
You're out of luck I'm afraid. See
There are people with criminal records travelling round the world every day - as we all know You need to contact the Consulate and ask for an interview. That way you will get a direct answer. Don't think that just because you have a record, it rules you out. They always make exceptions - and after seeing you and assessing your offences, they will make a decision. It will be final, pending an appeal. Also, different states have different regulations for past offenders.
Good luck.
Hi, I am looking to travel to Hawaii in July 2010, and maybe apply for a work visa while im over there,
I have Driving convictions in New Zealand that were 2 years ago and am woundering if this will interfare in my travel plans....
You could conveniently forget to mention those convictions on the visa application and move from not getting in to might get in.. When i cross the border from Canada to USA they always ask me if i've ever been arrested,if i say yes the trip ends right there,if i say no then its up to them to prove me wrong. I dont think speeding or parking violations are inadmissible offenses. but you would need to check..
[ 22-Mar-2010, at 05:03 by jambo101 ]

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