I just started a new job that requires me to dress professional. Suits are so expensive and hard to find for my size in America (I'm 5'1" and have a 24-25" waist). It just so happens that I'll be leaving for Shanghai in a few weeks and will be staying for 2 weeks. I was told that I should be able to find suits there that will fit me better and for a good price.
I lived in Shanghai for 5 months. Shanghai is a city of great disparities. You can get top of the line suits that go for thousands or dollars or cheap suits for less than $60. I got mine for about 800 RMB (about $125 USD) from an underground market in Pudong. My friend told me I could have probably talked him down to about 600-700 RMB however. The quality was pretty good and the tailoring was satisfactory. The suit is obviously not top of the line, but it does not look cheap either. It was pretty good quality and probably a lot cheaper than the equivalent in the USA. The skill of the tailors really varies a lot, so when you arrive in Shanghai ask some of the locals for some references. They can be able to steer you in the right direction as far as quality tailors for whatever your budget is. Also, if you are not so good at Chinese, go with someone local so they can help bargain the price down for you. They will also know the going rate so they won't waste time with a tailor who they know is trying to rip you off. Anyhow, hope this helps and wish you the best of luck in Shanghai!
hi, if you cant find a store in shaghai, i would recomment you to buy at [snip] they offer great deal with suits.

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