Can't wait for RTW trip... Suggestions welcome!

Well here is my story!
I am an 18 year old female who has just finished school and extremely ready and excited to take off and see that big wide world awaiting.

Greece is very very strict with illegal immigrants, if you do not have EU citizenship you should not even think of working there.

Early August is also pretty late to start looking for a job in one of the resorts on the Med, season starts in May/June.

I strongly suggest you change your travel plans, get a working holiday visa for one of the other European countries (Germany, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Italy, Ireland, Sweden, UK,...) if you plan on working anywhere in the EU.

Working holiday visa are also available for Chile, check it out. You could extend your stay in South America quite a bit with one.

Instead of getting a job you could be a WWOOF volunteer. room and 3 meals a day in exchange for help on organic farms. usually 2 days off a week too. theres also couchsurfing.

First of all hi, I'm Joey.

Secondly, wow! Sounds like an unreal trip. When I was 18 I too went on a RTW trip and it was awesome - I worked like stink after leaving school, two jobs at the same time and scraped a few grand together and off I went. I have never shaken off the travel bug and have since been all over the world on many different trips.

I believe I can help with the India leg of your trip but have a couple of questions. Why are you going to India? What has inspired you? If you let me know what you are interested in seeing there I can help. I have been 4 times and spent the last fifteen months working for the UK's leading tailor-made tour operator putting together tailor-made itineraries to India. I am not trying to sell you a holiday but suggesting that I am happy to use my knowledge of the country to help with your plans.

I am sure you know (your post was refreshingly well written and informative about your intended trip rather than just saying 'I am going travelling, how much money do I need') but a month is a drop in the ocean in Indian travel terms. You will have to focus in on one specific region, eg Rajasthan or Kerala.

Which city are you flying into and out of of? In the north you could perhaps explore the Golden Triangle of Delhi, Agra and Jaipur as well as adding some time in Ranthambhore National Park. You might also want to head over and check out Varanasi. You could also go further into Rajasthan and visit Pushkar. If you are flying into Mumbai you could check out the city (my favourite in India by far) and then head south to Goa and Kerala for a much more chilled out time in India. From Calcutta you could head up to Sikkim, Darjeeling and maybe even Assam.

Feel free to PM me with ideas about what has attracted you to India and I will be more than happy to make some suggestions.

I have also travelled extensively in se asia, and am planning my own trip to South America so might be able to help with ideas for that bit too.



Thanks for the responses i appreciate it!

Great point made about working in Greece... I was in dreamland and thought i would be fine to work as i spoke to many who have.
Thanks a lot Sam for the suggestion on participating as a WWOOF volunteer. I looked into and am very excited to get in contact with some farms in Greece. It looks like it would suit me really well. So cheers.

Joey, i know the working is pretty hectic but lucky i am an alright waitress and a hard-worker. I know it will all pay off. The reason i have chosen to visit India is because i am attracted to the adventure, spirituality, food (vegetarian) , vibrant colors and the overall culture. I originally was quite concerned about this part of my trip as been a young blond female i can only imagine the stares and looks i will receive however my brother recently told me he is booking to come with me as been a crazy traveler himself he is in need of a good trip.
So now the plan is alot better. We fly into Mumbai and i think we will concentrate on the South. I completely understand how one month is just not long enough i truly wish i could have longer but in saying that i have many years to live and know i will return to travel more in detail.

I appreciate your offer to help me plan a trip and i would have asked you to previously but now with my brother joining me and the mad planner he is i think i will leave it in his hands and be a tag along for that leg of the trip. i think we will end up in the more chilled part like Goa etc.

But thank you anyway.
I have decided to let Mexico go and concentrate on South America only for that part of the trip.
I will fly into Brazil and from there travel to Buenos Aries will i am going to learn Spanish for a month. Then my tour for 2 months begins.

Any more suggestions more than welcome.

Any time anyone posts any of these "I'm off to do whatever" it is both really cool and really frustrating as I'm not out there at the moment

I don't know the legal side of things or how much they are enforced/checked in practice but when I was in Santorini a couple of years ago there seemed to be a few tourists in teens/twenties working at restaurants around Perissa beach. Just standing on the street pulling people in, basic serving etc. Don't know any details sorry, just that it seemed pretty informal.

Have a blast eh! And don't worry to much if you miss Mexico or wherever, from the sounds of it you will be off travelling a few times

Working in the EU countries is not very easy for non-Eu citizens. I have a suggestion for you that may work, if you are thinking of having a break from the travel in Turkey.

There are many goverment elementary schools that would love to have a native english speaker personnel for a short time, such as a week maybe 10 days to help the children with their language skills. Some are in better neighborhoods, some are not. But tehy can pay you a small amount for your time, and probably no work during afternoon and evenings, that gives you a great chance to explore the rest of Istanbul. Thoguh, they won't pay you big amounts, it may worth your time and gives you a good chance to work in a real Turkish elementary school for a week.

If you are intrested, let me know and I will try to find some more information locally. I can ask a few people here.

Eitherwise, Have a good trip!.

I live and work in the Greek islands for the last 20 years, and travel arount the globe on my 'free winter seasons'. I can easily testify that not only Greece is one of the easiest places to get a summer job, but basicly the whole greek turist industry was partly based on those Aussie, kiwi, canadian or american backpacker summer workers.
Typical you need a visa, but police and authorities are consetrate mostly on illegal emigrants from africa or asia . They are too busy to waist time with young westerners having fun while making some extra cash.
As a result most of the islands host a community of people who once came for a summer job and they even now live here ( and its not a bad place to stuck at, heyy..)
I worked with a lot of them and 99% they didnt have any legal mater (what can they do to you anyway) The heaviest penalty is to get deported. Do you think they want to waist money paying your free ticket back to sidney?
Fill your backpack with positive attitute, put on your best smile and come for the summer of your life....

Dear Sophie

Remember where ever you go that the best information you will receive will be from fellow travelers or back backers that have just been some ware or experienced something positive, exciting or adventurous.
You will meet lots of people when travelling in the same hostels, hotels , campsites, who will want to share in the same experience. You will make lots of new friends where ever you go. Every country has it great attractions, great routes, and great culture and history.

I would look at your budget first, then look at the weather seasons and then Look at the the start and end dates of your visa, then look at the duration of your adventure. and then plan from there.

Europe in summer in places like Greece will be easy to get work in places like Bars and cafes. Do you have TEFL for teaching but is that what you really want to do on you adventure. Greece like Spain is expensive but you can work, Turkey is beautiful and cheap but you can’t work. Baja California in Mexico is outstandingly beautiful and very cheap as is South America.

Every World Traveler I have ever met always says South America is there best experience and possibly the cheapest.
The only thing that will be predictable on your adventure is that everything will be Unpredictable and its these unique expereinces that what will give you the greatest memories.

Go were you heart is telling you, keep smiling, always have a firm handshake and remember during your travels "You never have problems –Only challenges!:

Like you said you are only 18 - So you have plenty of TIME to enjoy the world. If i was you I wouldnt over plan, i would keep the travel costs down ie flights etc and maybe on this trip stick to one continent like South America and treck around there. Go someware totally different to the culture you are used to and save your money for the great expereinces , attractions, culture and cuisine BUT go were you heart is telling you

Simon - BMW Endurance Guinness Champion of the World

[ 14-Jan-2010, at 21:43 by soa ]

Have a good trip,


[ 15-Jan-2010, at 06:12 by Adri204 ]

Can't wait for RTW trip... Suggestions welcome!

Can't wait for RTW trip... Suggestions welcome!

Can't wait for RTW trip... Suggestions welcome!

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