Hello all,
Hey Eric - the link for the TPF blog actually takes one to their home page at the moment. At least it does for both Kris and me.
So, try this one:
[ 01-Apr-2009, at 05:05 by Isadora ]
Yay, congrats on the Foundation! It's a small step of many we hope to take!!
Just to clarify one thing, clearly this is totally optional. No one (except Peter and I) knows whose accounts are actually redirecting to the foundation adsense account so of course you should feel free to keep it pointing to your own adsense account if you prefer that. Of course if you want to let people know that you have started donating your earnings, we're happy to recognize that as well. We will not be publishing who doesn't contribute, so there is no pressure (I hope). If you do feel pressure, let me know. My PM 'door' is always open
Peter and me also have some other ideas on how to increase the foundation's income some more. Hopefully we'll be able to get one or two of those plans live in the next few weeks. And perhaps it's time for a new calendar?
Oh, I also changed the link in the original post to match the new domain
[ Some edits based on feedback... ]
Edited my post to allow for people that want to let others know that they are donating their adsense income; woops!
That's a great idea, guys! Thanks for always finding new ways for TP to give back.
I hope that many TP members sign up for it.
thanks for setting up this foundation,with so many members at TP we should be able to help some people to set up a small business.
Just thought I'd mention the latest has been posted. Please, someone humor me and subscribe. Thanks (in advance)!
It's me again...
The has been posted. Please oh please - somebody read it and take the plunge... Really... We're almost to our first goal... I promise to try really hard to get Bono (and the rest of U2 but you know how finicky The Edge can be), Eric Clapton, B.B. King and maybe even Steve Winwood to do a benefit concert for free. I'm working on it. No promises. Maybe we can do our own TP Guitar Heros thing... I know a few musicians on this site... Just a thought...
Anyway, check it out and give it some thought. We're all fortunate enough to travel while the people we'll be helping are hoping to be fortunate enough to put food on their table at night or start their own business. A few cents here and there go a long way to make someone's dream come true...
Yes, I realize there is a rule about double posting in threads but I think I can get a pass on this one... We'll find out...
Just about 6:00 this morning (my time, of course), I logged onto the Kiva site to look at the most recent loans made by the TP Team members. In the process, I noticed their Kiva Launches in the U.S.! sidebar announcement. Being the curious person that I am, I clicked on the "Learn More" link and then the "View all US entrepreneurs" link. Living in the US, I was pleased to see that our little corner of the world was now also a part of Kiva's funding network and went about my morning chores. I was listening to Good Morning America (ABC) as I went about my business and they mentioned micro-financing, which immediately caught my attention. Kiva's President - - was announcing the launch of the US program and explaining how Kiva's financing works.
What really impressed me, and I have watched this happen on Kiva previously, is the small amount of time it takes for an entrepreneur to become fully funded. At 6:00am, one entrepreneur had 19% of her funding - she was asking for $6500. Just during that 5 minute GMA segment, she received the remaining 81% to fulfill her request.
Just so everyone is on the same page... The original plan for the Foundation was to contribute to a pool of entrepreneurs that the Kiva TP Team members had contributed to recently. Basically, work from a limited pool of recipients. We thought we'd make it simple. Silly us!! Again, having watched the speed of the loan process, it was decided that the Foundation would be choosing their own set of entrepreneurs.
Last, but surely not least, we're $1.32 short of our benchmark for release of funds. Okay, there will be the audit and bank transfer times before the first loans - but we're almost there. I'm excited! I've been working on this since February! I want us to make some loans! I'm done ranting! Really!
Last, but surely not least, we're $1.32 short of our benchmark for release of funds. Okay, there will be the audit and bank transfer times before the first loans - but we're almost there. I'm excited! I've been working on this since February! I want us to make some loans! I'm done ranting! Really!
Awesome! Although I must say I quite enjoy your rants

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