roxburgh17 has indicated that this thread is about Melbourne
I was there on holiday in April, liked it so much im going on whv in Feb, when i was in melbourne the average casual wage was anything between $15 to $25 dollars per hour, office work tends to pay more. flat prices are from $120 per week for a room.
Im gonna stay here for first month or so until i get hooked up with somewhere a bit more longterm: heard good things and pretty good location.
Also remember backpackers get taxed @ 29% of all earnings! You make up for it as casual work does tend to pay more as contract as they know you get taxed more etc.
Jamie (Edinburgh)
Thanks for that, I'm going to try and avoid office work though as thats what I'm stuck in at the minute!
That hostel doesnt look too bad to me, might have to look into it a bit nearer the time though. trying to decide where the best place to melbourne is!
did you go to melbourne on your holiday?
Yeh i was there a week, i also went to Perth and Sydney but thought Melbourne was the best, Perth was good too but public transport etc is pretty crap.
My Australian mate who is from Melbourne said the hostel is in a good area not too far from the city. There are better hostels but if your working etc you dont want a party hostel and that place seems to cater for long term workers.
Also remember backpackers get taxed @ 29% of all earnings! You make up for it as casual work does tend to pay more as contract as they know you get taxed more etc.
Not necessarily. Many backpackers tend to work one big stretch at a time, staying in a flatshare or similar rather than a hostel, and having a bit of a "social life" in a single city during that time (regularly going to the movies, the gym, or things similar to that). If you do such things, and stay in Australia for more than 6 months total, you can probably self-declare as a "resident for tax purposes", which will give you the same low tax-rate over the first 30k (?) of your earnings as Australians get. (See , and .)
Thats good to know, thanks. I take it for the 1st 6 months you need to pay the higher rate?
No. If during the tax year you are in Australia for more than six months, and if for "most" of the time that you're in Australia you're behaving like a resident, then you are allowed to self-identify as a "resident for tax purposes" (which applies to the entire tax year), and so all your earnings over that tax year will be taxed accordingly.
Adam looks like your getting good advice with different options for accommodation . Personally to get into Melbourne a flat share arrangement gives you more of the life experience , and enables you to live the Melbourne way (: Great suburbs like Fitzroy, Northcote, pahran, St kilda, Richmond to name just a small few give you an urban feel with plenty of pubs, caffees and recreation facilities . I suggest you research a labor hire company and get your details on the books before arriving.
Mate have an awesome stay,

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