Travel Buddy


Hi Shani

I am in the same boat as you. All friend and family cant or dont want to and I am screaming to get out there...but must admit am a bit nervous at the prospect of leaving everything behind and having to start all over when I come back (If I come back )

I have been to australia on my own, more specifically Melbourne (albeit I knew a few people there and some friends did come over when I was there) but I do want to see more places in that part of the world.

I'm going to asia for 6 weeks, I'm doing it alone and apprehensive but I get the impressions loads of people do it alone x

Hi shani if you going at the end of 2012 & you want to visit Oz you should def see the Total eclipse which can be viewed from Cairns,Queensland on November 14th <


Im the same! I did have a friend who wanted to come with me and we were going to save and go end of nxt year also but as i'll be 31 in april i have decided to go it alone before then. Unfortunately all my other friends are either loved up, have kids or dont have the funds to go. I also dont have any commitments and am in a job i hate but i know that if i dont do this now i'll be there forever! Saying that though the thought of leaving a secure decent paid job to go travelling does scare me to death but hey you only live once right!?


Thank you all for replying to my post x
I get the impression thousands of people travel alone and im pretty sure none of us will be alone for very long, i hear you probably make more friends if you go alone... is still scary though.
Becki i'm the same, worries about leaving work etc but i'm starting to think its just a job, there will be others... (I hope) hehe
I'm worried i'll get out there and love it so much i wont come back... Lol!
Have to book something soon, now or never! x

Don't worry about going it alone - I can assure you that you won't be alone for very long. There are so many people out there doing the same thing and you will probably find a travel buddy that wants to do the same/similar route as you.

I was apprehensive about going alone when I did my RTW but after a few days I was sat in a bar on the Khao San Road with a large group of people wondering what the hell I had been worried about.

Thailand, Oz and NZ are really well trodden backpacker routes so you won't experience any problems here. I would really recommend if you can to take a trip to Cambodia - honestly you won't regret it - a really lovelly country and people.

As for leaving your job - when you're out there you will realise exactly that "it was only a job" The memorys, people and experiences that you will obtain from travelling is worth 1000 times more than the daily 9-5 grind.

Have fun with your travels and good luck.


Haha i know! Luckily for me (i think) i am supposed to be moving from Birmingham to Warwick so gotta leave my job and get a new one anyway. Just using travelling as the push i actually need to leave!

Im not worried about not wanting to come home, more like not enjoying it at all! Cant see that happening though from all the comments and messages on here! The only reason i'll be coming back is if my finds run out! But im planning on working my way round so fingers crossed it wont happen x

I live in New we can hook up in Thailand and then we can come back to NZ and I can show you around

Travel Buddy

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