What to expect for 6 month trip in SEA

Hi All,

You'll probably need more than £20 each a day for Singapore. Accommodation there is expensive as is the cost of living. However the cost of living in most of the other countries is cheap so you can save on them. £40 a day for two overall is still a very tight budget though unless you stay somewhere cheap for weeks at a time. The place I stayed at in Bangkok earlier this year was just £160 a month, including electricity and water (nowhere near KSR)

Your big cost will be travel. The more you travel, the more it's going to cost. Also if you want some night life, that too will cost as will upmarket eating places. The local food from street vendors is not poison and can be good as well as very cheap. Always drink bottled water, where you have to break a seal.

You may want to book some budget flights soon to save money. It's an easy way of covering long distances in Asia, but January is high season so cheap flights fill up. I found trains best in India. Lots and lots to see there.

As does cheap accommodation fill up too. You may want some air conditioning as it gets hotter up till April then after that it starts cooling down again, cooling being a relative term.

You will need some visas, and they take time so don't leave it too long. Thailand you get 30 days free if you fly in but only 15 days if you come in by bus or train. You can enter a number of times to make up 90 days out of 180 allowed.

Insurance isn't too expensive but if something serious goes wrong, you could need a second mortgage to pay for it if you don't have insurance.

Pop into a Boots chemist and they will tell you what injections you need and how many malaria tablets. Generally you will only need these in jungle areas, but places like India, you need them everywhere. Do complete the course of tablets as active malarial parasites can be in your body for some time. A can of fly spray is very handy too, available in many mini-marts and supermarkets in Asia.

Unless you are very experienced travellers who are very good at super cheap travel (and you're not spending any time in Singapore) the 20 GBP per person per day for everything is not enough money.

Good luck.


anordinaryjo, you crack me up.


Ok Terry, not sure how more than a million people displaced from their homes, a capitol city turned into a massive sewer, human body parts found at pumping stations of people gnawed on by crocodiles, the severity of the eventual clean up so daunting a prospect that the pols here are already talking about abandoning Bangkok as the capitol, while the flooding is still going on, is funny, but I gotta admire your ability to find humor at the darkest of times. You'd be laughing your butt off if you were here, the devastation and human misery on a scale never seen here.

I have travelled a lot in India in India and as far as i know you can get budget package in India and Nepal with that budget. However you may want to increase your budget little more to get atleast good 3 star properties. However, as i am not an expert, you can contact -snip- in India to get an expert advise. I generally book my travels from them.

What to expect for 6 month trip in SEA

What to expect for 6 month trip in SEA

What to expect for 6 month trip in SEA

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