We are planning to travel South America for 2.5 months in february. We plan to go to Chile, Peru and Bolivia but we were wondering which vaccinations would be recommended? On the internet we found that none are compulsory but a whole list are advised.
Could anyone tell us which ones would realy be interesting to have?
You have the vaccinations as advised by your government's website overseas travel section for the relevant country. You would be foolish to take advice 'on the internet', other than from your government.
'Could anyone tell us which ones would realy be interesting to have?' - Is this a fetish?
I did Argentina, Chile, Bolivia and Peru without any vaccination. To me, it is not necessary unless you are going to the Amazon. I was ask about yellow fever because I cross over to Brazil side of the Icuazo Fall, but it is not required.
I am also travelling south america soon...
I have been told that officially, you have to have an international certificate of vaccination stating you have had the 'yellow fever' vaccintation to cross certain borders.
I had a 'yellow fever' and 'Hepatitis A' jab. If you are not covering the Amazon, Northern Bolivia or Northern Peru then I was told you won't have to get any other vaccinations such as malaria etc.
I think the most important thing is a good insect reppellant (I have 95% DEET in mine!)
I'm not an expert but that's what I'm doing.
It's a toss of the coin on getting the yellow fever vaccination certificate or not... In the six years I've been active on this site, and moderating this forum, I have seen threads where people have passed over borders without a question and some who were turned away because they could not produce the form.
Here are my answers to someone who asked similar questions recently:
Personally, I highly recommend the Hep A & B, yellow fever and either the typhoid injected or oral vaccine. (Oral is easier.)
Malaria prophylaxis meds and rabies vaccinations are a personal comfort zone call. Rabies is one that is expensive and rarely needed (see link).
I also recommend the tetanus vaccine if you have not received it or it's out of date.
As stated in the thread linked above, there will be those who will counter my recommendations.
Check out: .
Isadora I never replied to your helpful comments on my previous thread - sorry!
I just wanted to mention that in the UK the Rabies vaccination is £50 - not as expensive as other countries. I've decided to have it anyway, better to be overprotected just incase
Isadora I never replied to your helpful comments on my previous thread - sorry!
I just wanted to mention that in the UK the Rabies vaccination is £50 - not as expensive as other countries. I've decided to have it anyway, better to be overprotected just incase
Becki, no apologies needed!
I am curious though about the rabies vaccination expense. Is that £50 per injection or the cost for all three? And, does the UK recommend receiving 3 pre-exposure prophylactic injections? In the US, the 3 injections would run ~$200-$400 (total, not per injection). Receiving them as an intradermal (under the skin) vaccination is slightly cheaper than receiving them as an intramuscular one. (Not quite sure on that logic as the amount injected is the same regardless of the route of administration.)
I was required to have them in my past working career. Since leaving the field, I have not kept up the boosters because I know my forms of travel are very low risk adventures. Again, it's a personal call and 'overly protected' isn't a bad thing either.
We got our yellow fever vaccination for free in Lima. Just head to the hospital on a Tuesday and join the line, they fill out your vaccination booklet no worries and you're out of there with no paper work needed to be filed on your behalf. Just bring along your passport.
Thanks Fui, Chris, Isadora and Kyle for your very helpfull answers. We're gonna look further in Hep A and B, typhoid and yellow fever. Maybe we'll get the vaccinations in Santiago de Chile or so, too bad Lima is our last stop:-)

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