

March is HOT!! and dry in most of SEA. This should be helpful.

April is usually the hottest month of the year in this part of Asia. But it's dry, humidity notwithstanding. It is also very low tourist season, (such as it is in Myamnar), so lots of good deals, easy to find all you need.

:-), Malaysian here, nearer to the equatorial than Myanmar. No need to tell me about dry and heat in Mar and April. I love sun, heat and afraid rain more.

@ sepilokfui

I can assure that you won't get any rain during March. Unless, you can bear the heat that is so much hotter than your country(Malaysia) if you travel central region like Mandalay & Bagan.

But, as for Pyin_Oo_Lwin aka May Myo. & Hsipaw ( part of Shan state ) are located on higher sea level. So, even March is a very dry and hot season for most parts of Myanmar you will feel ease on those higher grounds.

For suggestion, I would like to add more places like Rakhine state, which is western state of Myanmar, close to India & Bangladesh, where you can explore the ancient pagodas which built on Myauk_Oo era. And if you funcy the beach, there got very pure and natural beach call Nga_Pa_li.

And for the southern part, you could travel from Yangon to Kyaik_Htee_Yoo in Mon State ( the rock amazingly stand over the hill ) which is very famous Pagoda for Local & Tourists.
Even more, if you like to hiking or tracking, you can try out to the most virgin places ( mountains & forest ) in Chin state.

As for end, you should head down to one of Travel & Tour agency and ask for more when you arrive Yangon. There got plenty in Central Yangon ( Business area ).

Wish you luck.




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