I might be going travelling around America next year for around 6 months, covering as much of the country as possible and working a little bit aswell. What visa would I need and how much is it? Any help appreciated!
Why do people always post these questions without including the one and only important detail: Their nationality.
Haha, had a feeling I'd forgotten something! I am from England
Why do people always post these questions without including the one and only important detail: Their nationality. Cheers,Terry
Good point Terry. However, Joshua's profile does list him as UK.
Joshua, I think you can get a 3 month VWP w/o any problems. For a longer stay, you will need to chat with the US Embassy. I helped 2 lads from Denmark last summer and they were here 6 months, so it is possible. You do need to forget the 'working a little bit' however. First of all, it is illegal for a tourist to work. Second, there is high unemployment in many states. Third, there are millions of illegals already here willing to work for less than you will. Bring all the money needed for your stay. You cannot expect to earn any while here. Good luck.
Ah okay, I wasn't sure if I could get a working holiday visa, so thankyou very much for your help
An incredibly bad time to see the USA - almost anywhere else would be better. Canada?
I have no concrete plans so it's worth considering, thanks Daawgon
Josh, have you looked at ? They might have a suitable working holiday for you?
Since you're from the UK you might find this very interesting:
Good luck.

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