karlbaker02 has indicated that this thread is about Canada
At this time, I will suggest you limit your destinations & understand the geography of Canada (Google maps) & establish a $budget.
I've shared an apartment with Europeans & they had no concept of the size of this country. I've traveled in Canada with Londoners who told me the Queen Charlotte Islands are the size of London but there's only 6,000 people in the Queen Charlottes.
Tell us how you want to travel - car, plane, train.
I also think defining tourist-y things should be mode specific - food, fishing, camping, night life, water, mountains, etc.
There's everything here & most of us don't own guns.
See ya soon!
Thanks for your response Claude!
Not planned a budget yet - that's something I definitely need to do (as well as picking the exact places to go)! Was planning to travel by car, so that I can travel to places and stay there for however long I wish (within reason of course). The main reason I want to go to Canada is for the nature and the beauty of the place if I'm honest, so going to some of the national parks will be a must. I'm up for trying out lots of things whilst there, so probably all of the suggestions you made above and whatever else is available.
It'd be nice (but not essential) to see some owls whilst I'm over there (not your average request I know), as my folks run an owl centre in the UK and I've grown up to love them. I'm not sure on the species present over there but I know you have the Great Horned and Great Grey owls.
I'd like to get a feel of the different cultures that exist, whether these be those of the French Montréal or of the First peoples'.
I know I'll never do everything I could think of in one visit, but this will probably be the first of many!
I traveled across Canada by car in 2010, except for Newfoundland & the Northern territories.
I used my own car because one cannot rent across multiple Provinces or extreme distances.
I took my time & visited friends & relatives along the way. I was gone 7 weeks (±3 weeks with my daughter on their dairy farm) & traveled ±17,000 km. I had some destinations planned that I didn't manage, like Newfoundland & the Rockies, which I last visited in January 1988.
I don't know the best places for wildlife; I'm not a wilderness type. I'm a photography buff & almost anything goes for that.
3 weeks is not much if you plan to explore. There are extraordinary places everywhere. One of my favourites is Prince Edward Island for half a dozen reasons. Another is the Rockies. But contrary to many who have traveled the Prairies by car, I love that too.
You could consider the fall in the East for the colours; but that's about the first week of October - that's also apple harvest time.
Again, Google.
A suggestion: fly to Montréal, rent a car & visit Québec City, the Eastern Townships & the Laurentians; spend a week or so. Then fly to Calgary, rent a car & visit the Rockies & spend your remaining time. This will give you 2 very different views of Canada & you can make other plans on your next visit.
You MUST have a credit card to rent anything, an interest in people and asking them questions.
Hi, I am travelling through canada from March for 2 years. Would be happy to hear from you wherever you are, who knows.. i might be there :-) or be able to give you some travel tips by then!!
Hey Sarah,
You're over there for two years - that sounds amazing! Sure you'll get to see a lot of the places normally off limits, should be really good! Well, as soon as I've got a more set plan of what to do I'll let you know and we might possibly be able to organise something
Have you got any idea of where you'd like to start and the route you'd take / things to do / places to see?
Hi Karl,
I actually have no idea what i'm going to do with myself lol, so any suggestions from people are definately welcomed!!
I am in the process of sorting out my visa and have had a couple of jobs offers from nth vancouver to as far as Digby, Nova Scotia!! :-) long distances apart i know lol.
Im awaiting my lonely planet canada book which i got at the book depositry online for only $25! so once i get that i'll get stuck into nutting out a bit of a plan.
What brings you to travel canada alone?
You can add me on facebook if you like and we can keep in touch?
Hey Sarah,
Two years is quite a while, so I'm sure that if you don't know what you want to do before you head out there, you'll definitely find something once you arrive!
Wow, Digby and Vancounver are miles (thousands of ) apart. I don't know how you're going to make your mind up on that one, although from all that I've read and heard, Western Canada is more the prettier than the East. Personal preference I guess!
I've got the rough guide to canada book. It looks fantastic, and is in the parts I've read, but haven't had enough time to read through it yet. Just like the lonely planet book, there's hundreds of pages full of text. It's going to take me a while
Decided to go to Canada this year because I think I'll need a major stress relief before final year of uni (long story short - switched courses after year one and now on a placement, so technically two years behind, which is depressing!) and everything I've ever seen and heard about the place is just fantastic. Going alone at the moment because friends who'd like to just don't have the money, or can't because they've got a job. Aside from that, it'll be nice to experience lots of different cultures, see different places and hopefully see some amazing wildlife over there too. It'll also encourage me to try and learn French properly for use in Montreal!
Sure, will definitely add you on facebook. What's your username? Alternatively, mine's karlbaker02.

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