Travel Insurance

hellomaya has indicated that this thread is about Buying Travel Insurance

You could try:

Important. Never give any insurance company a get out clause. Mention any problems medical or otherwise, anything a little dangerous you might do there, anything expensive you are going to take along like a camera, etc.

Pop into a pharmacist and ask if there are any vaccinations, malaria tablets , etc that they would suggest for you. Morocco is supposed to be malaria free.

is an Australian company and I know Peter has used them a number of times (7% off using promo code SAVE7 ). The tricky part is whether or not they'll insure you once you've left home. Usually there's some kind of quarantine period if an earlier insurance has already run out for example.

I would also recommend as suggested by Cyberia. Its rates are really very low.

Thanks all for the replies, sorted the situation out and am having a great time in Morocco

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

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