Hello I'm a newbie...advice please!

Hellooooo internet chums! I've just joined this site after reading some of your amazing experiances of travelling.

If money is your main issue then you probably want to have more a working holiday if you plan travelling for a while. Find out what countries you can get working visas for and look into the wages they pay, cost of living, and why type of jobs they are.
Some places you can work might not be far from other places you want to visit.
Its quite easy really. Find a easy Trail .I dont really understand why people freak out about it all.

Where are you from?. I will have a look for you and see what contacts I have available maybe can help you out.

The plan would be to work as i travel, im from the UK. Any help would be great thanks dan.

I just want to explore new places, im not fussy about what sort of work. I feel like i need a change in life. I think europe would be my first stepping stone but if something came up outside of that i would think about the taking the plunge.

Any links to websites to help would be great too. thanks for any help provided.

Im not in the know for europe. I never been there, but, if you head toward New Zealand or Australia let me know. Its easy for UK to get work visas here.
I got heaps of contacts and know alot of people in the industry and can help assist you with farm/Orchard work and accommodation if needed.
Also my good friend owns a wwoof orchard as well in South NZ if your interested in that type of thing, but your probably better with the actural paid work, but, its allways a good option while inbetween jobs, work for food and accomodation and just have a good time.
Loads of good places to visit and activities to do as well.
If you decide to head these ways and need some advice just let me know.

Thanks dan.

So today ive been researching about jobs in oz instead of actually doing work!

I have seen a quite a few 'picking' jobs which sounds good, do you know anyone that has done this in the past or have you yourself? Also looked into a working visa and flights to give me an indication of cost. (literally not done any work today). I'll probably be looking at leaving the early part of next year.

I figured if im going to do this i may aswell go somewhere i have always wanted to go.
Just wondered if you did have any contacts in regards to jobs in oz.

How long do working visas take to process ? sorry to bombared you with questions im trying to gain as much info as i can.

Thanks again.

How long do working visas take to process ? sorry to bombared you with questions im trying to gain as much info as i can.

If you get , it takes an average of 10 minutes (up to a week maximum in case they have high load or do manual spot checking), and costs 180 pound.
Note that , so might be worth considering as well. (And then there's Canada and since you're from the UK also Japan and... ).

Yes I know alot of people in both OZ and NZ for fruit picking work. I have worked permantly on Orchards for over 10 years across both countrys.
I will be back in Aussie in a couple weeks. I have a load of contacts, good locations and farms to work on and also the best times and peak seasons.
When it comes closer to the time just PM me and I will send you the info.

Hello I'm a newbie...advice please!

Hello I'm a newbie...advice please!

Hello I'm a newbie...advice please!

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