Going to Thailand, i have a basic account santander (uk bank) cash withdrawel card.. Will this work in Thai ATM machines???
It should do - just check that the symbols on the back of your card (ie Maestro/Cirrus) correspond to the symbols on the ATM machine. Some machines might be for Thai cards only but I found I could use most of them in Thailand with my UK card.
thank's. it's not a debit, purely a 'hole in the wall' card'.. has cirrus on the back! any advice what i can do should it not work??
I'd check with your bank here - they should be able to advise and issue you with another card if necessary, otherwise you may not be able to access your money when you're out there.
You will need to have a 4 digit PIN code. Thai ATMs use 4 digits.
All Thai "bank" ATMs assess a 150 baht withdrawal fee on foreign bank ATM cards. There are 2 exceptions, Citibank and AEON.
There are only 2 Citibank locations in Bangkok. This makes them practically useless.
AEON has ATMs all over Thailand, located in most Big Cs, Central Department Stores, Tesco-Lotuses and major malls.
The big hit will, most likely, be your home bank. Their fees, for foreign withdrawals, will be substantial.
You might look into getting traveler's checks. They only carry a 33 exchange baht fee and get high rates of exchange, higher than cash exchanges. Depending on how much they cost to buy there, this might be your best bet.
You can still bring the ATM card as back up. When you discuss your bank's fees, be sure to let them know you will be traveling to Thailand. Many banks lock acounts when sudden, foreign transaction occur.
thank's. it's not a debit, purely a 'hole in the wall' card'.. has cirrus on the back! any advice what i can do should it not work??
I believe that's what one calls a Debit Card - terms are different in different countries. What you call a cash card in the UK would be a debit card in the USA. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Another thing about Thai ATM's - many do not have an alphanumeric keyboard. Best to have an all numeric PIN.
thank's. it's not a debit, purely a 'hole in the wall' card'.. has cirrus on the back! any advice what i can do should it not work??
I believe that's what one calls a Debit Card - terms are different in different countries. What you call a cash card in the UK would be a debit card in the USA. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. Another thing about Thai ATM's - many do not have an alphanumeric keyboard. Best to have an all numeric PIN.
The cirrus network will get you access to most ATMS around the world regardless of whether you have a debit (hole in the wall) or credit card. So you should be good to go.
It doesn't make any difference what your 4 digit pin is, it will still correspond to any key pad you use. So if you had "cats" as your pin and the keypad was only in numbers, C would always be 1, A would always be 1, T would be 8 and S would always be 7. type in cats or 1187 its the same thing.
Before you leave it's always a good idea to have a little cash stashed away somewhere different from your card. Pounds are accepted at most money changers, but US dollars are even better.
Don't rely on only one single source of money. If that card gets lost or a "guest" you allow into your hotel room steals it you're screwed! When I use an ATM I prefer to use it when the bank that owns it is open. If the card doesn't come out one of the clerks can retrieve it. Take out the most you can at one time from an ATM so you don't pay big fees for small amounts.
I like travelers checks and can get them without charge through my credit union; if you bring any only take the largest denominations you can get. Travelers checks are easy to cash in Thailand.
Cash works too! Bring the largest denominations that are not dirty, torn or older series printings. Nothing wrong with having a little of everything. I keep a record of my travelers check numbers and even (for me) my hundred dollar bills.
I like to travel with a credit card or two for emergencies that might come up. Use the hotel security box or safe for your valuables. I only keep enough money on me to last a day or two of spending.
I have had problems in the past with UK credit and debit cards in Thailand.
Tell your bank where and when you are going and that you will be using your card there.
Long before you run low on money, try your card out. If it does not work, they will want you to contact the bank to know that you are in Thailand and phoning from Thailand can be no end of hassle.
I like travelers checks and can get them without charge through my credit union; if you bring any only take the largest denominations you can get. Travelers checks are easy to cash in Thailand.
travelers checks arent what they use to be. They are not so common anymore and getting rid of them can be a real pain. As is keeping track of numbers etc. There's just no need for them anymore with international bank cards and machines. the last time I had them I coudn't even get some banks in New Zealand to accept them.

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