Hey,im a 26 year old irish lad and im heading to australia in the next few months and im just wondering is anyone else planning on doing the same thing and maybe looking for a travel buddy for the flight over??my 1st year working holiday visa has been granted so im ready to book flights pretty much anytime now,not too fussy about what part of australia i go to 1st,ill be flying out from dublin airport id say so anybody flying out from there give me a shout maybe??
I'm travelling to australia in the nxt few months :-)
My plan is to travel from dublin to sydney around 10th dec. Also got my working holiday visa sorted. Have you been to Oz before?
hi,i'm going from dublin on the 11th of sept also flying solo!!heading 2 brisbane
hey oz mad,no ive never been to australia before,have u?ill have to get there before the end of september as my visa is expiring at the start
of october..
wel karen90,yeah thats around d same time ive in me head to be over there too..brisbanes meant to be a good spot alright,was ur ticket expensive??and have u sorted a hostel for the first few nights or wat way ya working that?..
Hey it's prob a bit soon for u but we're flying out 23rd July
hey longfordlou,yea mite be a bit soon for me as ive still no clue wat part to start off in although i dont really mind,im pretty much good to go now but holding off booking flights as id rather fly over with sum1,dreading the taughts of the flight alone...and my friend who was meant to go with me has backed out,wat part you flying to??
hey j-d2012 have you booked your flight yet

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