I am starting a new trip next week. Do I have to start a completely new blog, or can I just add a new trip to my blog. I would like the info and pics from the previous one to still be available but I want to be able to calculate the stats from my new trip separately.
I´m not sure I understood your question clearly. When you are referring to the stats, are you talking about the number of viewers? If so you can simply add an entry to your existing blog, since number of views gets displayed for every single entry.
Hi Pat,
For blog stats, the best is to set up a Google Analytics account and integrate that. You'll get much more accurate information.
Since you mentioned trip stats though, I wonder if you're referring to the stats in your map instead?
Thanks for your responses. My apologies as I'm not very knowledgeable and get confused myself on what I'm asking. However, I do mean the stats for number of views to each post.
I do have a Google Analytics account (listed in my Settings), but I thought this shows more info than just the number of view, e.g. country of origin / date. I am not sure where to find this info.
I don't want the stats for each trip to be merged together so I can keep a track on this one from the start. (ps while I will be travelling to 5 different countries, I take it to be 1 trip, for which I will have a number of posts to my blog)
thanks again.
To see your Google Analytics stats, you will need to log in over there and everything should be visible to you. There are really a lot of options in there - to look at individual posts, you need to look at the Content link on the left and you can then break it down to how much traffic each post is getting. Stats are filtered by date ranges which you can set at the top.
By default though, the stats from your entire blog will be shown there.
Here's the thing - you can set up a custom profile on Google Analytics that will exclude certain posts from the stats.
It's certainly a bit more involved, but if you want, I can try to run through the steps to set that up. First things first though - have a look at what you have in Google Analytics at the moment to get a feel for it
Just to be clear regarding the page view stats on Travellerspoint, you need to start a new blog on Travellerspoint if you want to keep those separate from the first trip's blog. The info and pics from your first blog will still be available in the original blog, and you will also see those pictures when you click the 'insert picture' button while typing an entry (if you want to insert the same picture again for some reason).
Like Peter mentions, there's a lot you can do with Google Analytics too if you want to, but it's not needed to do what I think you are after
I have accessed the Google Analytics OK, and think I am now on the right track. I think my best option is to start a new blog for this trip (thanks 'Sam I am') just to keep them separate.
Thanks very much for all your comments. Much appreciated and a great help.

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