My name is Ryan, I'm 18 years old, and I live in London, UK. I have recently decided I would like to travel to America on my own, starting at New York, then onto Las Vegas, and then California. I would like to stay 3 nights at each destination before returning back to London.
I haven't ever travelled alone and I am not afraid of travelling alone, I am prepared for the challenge.
All three of your destinations are famous places that receive an endless avalanche of tourists so they're all covered very well by a multitude of guide books and Internet sites. The travel information that's easily available is limitless.
You're also travelling to a very easy, non-intimidating culture/country... they speak English, eat much the same food, see the same movies, listen to the same music, etc. as you do at home. In other words there are many destinations much closer to you that are much more foreign.
Bottom line: This is a very easy trip to research in a very easy destination that offers nothing weird or intimidating for a first time traveller, so no worries there.
That said, here's the problem... You are travelling way too far and spending way too much money for barely a tiny little taste of three very rich and complicated locations. Spending only 3 days in each of those locations is, quite frankly, nuts.
You need to save more money and travel for a much longer time, otherwise it's a waste of effort because you won't really see, understand or appreciate anything.
California is a rather large expanse of land - 3 days??? I'm assuming you're talking about LA?, but in my opinion San Francisco is far more interesting and far easier to get around without renting a car.
You need to tell us what time of year this travel will occur. You should know that NYC is the most expensive place in the USA for travelers.
Good luck! I think that is great that you are getting out and seeing some different parts of the world and different cultures.
I agree that spending more time will help you dive into more of what each city is like, but it's up to you if you rather just visit for a short amount of time to have a quick visit.
If you need to keep it within the same timeframe you could always pick one or two of these places instead of all three, or again, spend more time in the US altogether. It's your choice.
Hmmm, as for travel tips I always make sure I know the destination well so I know ahead of time what are my top three must see sites/areas would be, how to get around, what the culture is like, what to expect, etc. I also recommend to always be smart in the cities you visit. Someone could offer to take a picture, give you a tour etc. and then take something of yours or take advantage in another way. It's always a good idea to lock up your valuables when you travel or leave them at home, keep a copy of your passport/visa/license whatever with you just in case the original gets lost, don't leave things on the methods of transportation, and be smart in choosing the places you stay in.
Good luck! Safe Travels
Hey Ryan, I'm booked on to a tour with Trek America.
I think for your age, you're probably better off going with an organisation rather doing it yourself. The places that you said that you want to go to are no where near each other and unlike UK, America is a MASSIVE country.
Have a look at the link above....I know this trip is quite popular. It would be good for you to do it with some people so that you're not on your own and can have a good laugh with other like minded people and make some new friends!
I'm doing Coast to Coast South in September then going to Canada to work for a year!
Cannot wait!!
Good luck with everything!

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