I'm a 25 year old female travelling out to Fiji in September. I will be volunteering in a school in the Yasawas, Fiji, for 5 weeks with GVI on the first part of my travels and wondered if anybody else is doing the same thing???
I also have a flight to Australia booked and will be in Sydney from 21st October and am hoping to travel up the East Coast to Cairns and back to Sydney for new year. I have thought about booking the 'Beaches and reefs' tour with STA to help find travel buddies, but don't want to tie myself down too early, and wondered if there is anybody else out there looking for travel buddies to do the same thing? :-) I plan to return home around mid Jan and then travel on to Central America. Anybody else in Fiji or Aus around the same time?
i am looking at travelling out 2 australia in sept for between 6 and 12 months.
Planning to spend xmas and nyear in sydney 2.
Not got any real plans yet just working 2 save my money.
i will be travelling alone as a friend of mine as backed out and most other mates are coupled up or have already done the travelling thing.
i really want to do fiji but i think that will be at the end of my trip if i can afford it
helen x
Hi Helen,
i am flying out to Brisbane in September to see family for a week but then flying to either Sydney or Melbourne to start my travelling from there. My ticket is booked for 6 months but i am also keeping it open to staying longer. I am going to travel up from Sydney to Cairns on the 'OzExperience' hop on hop off bus (you should check it out...looks loads of fun), but will stop in Brisbane for christmas again however I would like to go back to sydney for New years.
Im also travelling alone as my friend passed away so would be good to get talking to people before we go out a im pretty nervous aha.
If i work at the end of my trip i would also like to do fiji and new zealand but all depends on money..
do you have facebook?
Alexandra x
i am so sorry to hear that.
yes i have face book link below.
& i will defo check out the oz experience i have looked on so many websites i dont know what 2 book
helen x
Hey Helen and Alex,
maybe we could meet up when I get to Aus, like I said I will be in Fiji for Sept up until 21st of October but have my flight booked to Sydney for then and will be looking to travel up to Cairnes like Alex. I don't know where I'd like to spend Christmas yet but like you Alex I'd definately like to be back in Sydney for new year! I'm in same kind of situation as you Helen, friends coupled up and saving for houses etc.
Sian xxx
Oh yeh so Sian you will be in Sydney around the same time as us then... definitely should meet up. and if you want to travel up to cairns you should look at the oz experience bus too.. iv known few people that have done it and although it seems to be pricey its easiest way to get around and they have trips involved and pay for some meals and accomadation so i think it works out ok price wise tbh. and with it your still open to stay in each place as long as you want.
do you have facebook to sian??
Alex x
Hello I'm planning on doing the same thing as most of you by the sound of things. I'm flying to Sydney 1st October and staying there until the new year. And tbh, although im very excited, im quite nervous about doing it alone. Then planning on travelling up to cairns and want to see as much of the barrier reef and marine life as I can. I was thinking on buying a campervan if there are people to share the journey with for cost. What is the difference between normall public transport and the oz experience bus?
yeh i thought about campervan if you knew people but i think its easier to meet alot of people doing the oz experience. i think the difference is it will be all travellers like us rather than public transport with the public, so youll meet loads of people, be doing similar things, may end up staying in same hostels etc.. also they include activites, some meals and some accomadation. im looking at going on the 'bonza pass', which is from sydney to cairns, you get like 2 day 2 night whitsunday islands boat trip, snorkelling, camping with bbq's etc.. checck it out.
Alex x
Hiya Alex, yeh that sounds good I was looking at doing something similar so I'll have a look at that and let you know. Really up for the Whitsunday Island boat trip and the bus pass is probably better than the beaches and reefs trip that I was looking at because there's more flexibility. Yeh I'm on facebook :http://www.facebook.com/#!/sian.evans.1804
Sian x
have you checked it out yet? looks pricey but has alot included in what i want to do. i just wouldnt really know what to do with myself if i didnt have some sort of organisation like that haha. also on the website look at the 'VIP' bit and it tells you discounts you get off hostels and restaurants and stuff
Alex x

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