I am thinking about going to thailand to get married with me fiance and 10 year old son. i would like so information on how to go about it. me and my fiance are 28 years old. first off how is the safty? do we have to be worried about getting kidnapped. how easy is it for a english speaking couple to comunicate with others. is there any places to stay away from. any help would be greatly appreciated.
"I am thinking about going to thailand to get married with me fiance and 10 year old son. i would like so information on how to go about it. me and my fiance are 28 years old."
- Can't tell you anything about getting married in Thailand, but it makes a great honeymoon.
"first off how is the safty? do we have to be worried about getting kidnapped."
- Safety is fine. There are hundreds of thousands of travelers roaming around Thailand everyday. Maybe one in a million gets kidnapped - about the same chances you have at home. There is always a high chance of getting ripped off or stolen from, but a little research and preparations will all but eliminate those chances. But violent crimes and kidnappings? - not something to worry yourself about in Thailand.
"how easy is it for a english speaking couple to comunicate with others."
- About as easy as it is at home. Sure, lots of people in Thailand don't speak English, but the people you will deal with - hotels, taxis, restaurants, shops - will all speak perfectly fine English.
"is there any places to stay away from. any help would be greatly appreciated."
Dark alleys of Bangkok, or any city, at night. And you should keep an eye on the news if you plan to hang out in the south along the border with Malaysia. There's often separatist/ethnic clashes, and if you are going to get kidnapped, that's where it would be. But just don't go there - you have no reason to anyway.

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