Hints and tips for traveling alone.

I'm heading out to south east Asia in July, I know it's a bit far off yet but I would welcome any hints and tips for traveling alone.
I'm planning on going to Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Australia (hopefully to stay with a friend).
Thank you in advance.

Honestly, I don't really see much difference between travelling with pals or going it alone... the very same common sense and street smarts apply... the very same care with your belongings and securing valuables/documents/tickets/etc. apply... the very same "don't accept drinks from strangers" or "don't get totally loaded by yourself" or "if a situation feels weird then exit immediately" apply... etc. etc. etc...

Hope you like heat/humidity/wetness!

Have fun.


Thank you for your reply
The weather isn't such a big deal. It's the only opportunity I have to go so what can you do!
I've never travelled before on this way, I've been on holidays all over the world but clearly that's different. For the most part, I understand it's common sense, but any information from people that have travelled in the past is useful.

Travel smart and have a gas.


The best thing you can do is keep your head on a swivel. No greater defense. Constantly look people up and down, totally freaks 'em out. Notice those strangers watching you in the distance. Don't let anyone near you without your realizing it. When people realize you're aware and savvy, they tend to back off.

Also be aware that in third world nations there are LOT's of people that dedicate their lives to perfect sophisticated scams. Be kind to everyone but trust no one, no matter how they seem. Constantly tell yourself about everyone you meet "this could be a scam of some sort"....

Don't be predictable.. times you come and go.. routes you walk.

If you want to explore an area or on your way to somewhere, at times you can just ask locals if it's safe. Mainly street vendors... "hey is it safe to walk up this way". Sometimes there are gang or high crime areas that everyone knows and are eager to warn about. Sounds corny, but has worked for me.

Only talk on cellphones in doors.

safe travels.


If yopu are man you need to have little things in mind don't quarrel with other. Try to avoid heat between the local peoples. For women it better keep thier safety in mind always avoid suspicious roads, path, people or destinations. Only go to crowded place in night.

When we strange place. First thing we should arrange for our stay there in advance because first thing we should have during our traveling is our staying place. After that we have a person or guide who can tell us about the famous places of that place and help us to visit there and know more about them. We can also do this by collecting all information about that place in advance. Then we have some one with us because travel lonely is little bit difficult at unknown place. So there should be some one who can company us.

for me it always pleasant when traveling alone. that time we think about our self and about the world. but traveling in the group always tend to loss your uniqueness. so traveling alone is always pleasure.

Always listen to your guts. If you feel something wrong going to happen or you feel someone weird then you are right leave place or person.

Hints and tips for traveling alone.

Hints and tips for traveling alone.

Hints and tips for traveling alone.

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